
Title: Themes: Scale: Coverage: Availability:
BGS GeoScour Open Hazards Tier 1: 1:625 000
Tier 2: 1:250 000
Great Britain Free
BGS GeoSure Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
BGS GeoSure 5 km hex grid Hazards 5 km hex grid (approx. 1:5 000 000) Great Britain Free
BGS GeoSure: compressible ground Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
BGS GeoSure: debris flow susceptibility model Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
BGS GeoSure: landslides Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
BGS GeoSure: running sand Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
BGS GeoSure: shrink–swell 3D for London and Thames Valley Hazards 1:50 000 London and Thames Valley Licensed
BGS GeoSure: shrink–swell subsurface Hazards 1:625 000 Great Britain Licensed
BGS GeoSure: soluble rocks Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
BGS National Landslide Database Hazards N/A Great Britain Free / Licensed
GeoClimate UKCP09 and UKCP18 Hazards NA
GeoClimate UKCP09 Open Hazards 2 km gridded dataset Great Britain Free
GeoClimate UKCP09 Premium Hazards Quasi-1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
GeoClimate UKCP18 Open Hazards 2km gridded dataset Great Britain Free
GeoClimate UKCP18 Premium Hazards Quasi-1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
GeoCoast Open Environmental change Multiple Great Britain Free
GeoCoast Premium Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
Geological indicators of flooding Hydrogeology 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
GeoSure insurance product Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain via BGS Data Resellers
Groundwater flooding Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
Indicative Atlas of Radon Hazards 1 km grid size (approx. 1:1 000 000) Great Britain and Northern Ireland Free
Mining hazard (not including coal) 1 km hex grid Hazards 1 km hex grid (approx. 1:1 000 000) Great Britain Free
Mining hazard (not including coal) coverage Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain Licensed
Property subsidence assessment Built environment PSA buildings: 1:50 000; PSA postcodes England & Wales via BGS Data Resellers
Radon potential Hazards 1:50 000 Great Britain and Northern Ireland Licensed
UK: Stream sediment geochemistry Geochemistry N/A Great Britain and Northern Ireland Free / Licensed
UK: Topsoil geochemistry Geochemistry N/A Partial UK Coverage Free / Licensed

From 1 April 2024, BGS will apply a 5 per cent increase to its direct licence fees for all data products. This means that any direct licence issued or renewed on or after 1 April 2024 will reflect this increased price. Existing data licensees will not be affected until such time as their licence is next due for renewal, after 1 April 2024..

BGS has not increased its data product licence fees for many years: this 2024 increase takes into account inflationary and cost pressures faced by BGS, including increased staff costs, and follows a review of Office for National Statistics guidance with regard to inflation and price indices. Going forwards, BGS will undertake annual price reviews and will communicate any future licence fee changes (from 2025) as appropriate.

If you have any queries regarding this matter, please contact the IPR digital team (

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