Carbon capture and storage (CCS)

BGS Research

BGS is recognised as a European centre of excellence for the study of carbon dioxide (CO2) storage. We have a dedicated carbon capture and storage (CCS) team that is active in a number of research areas including:

  • characterisation and capacity estimation of potential underground storage reservoirs
  • potential chemical interactions of injected CO2 with the surrounding rocks
  • storage site monitoring technologies and integrated monitoring strategies
  • assessment of long-term site performance, including evaluating consequences of potential leakage
The power station at Ratcliffe-on-Soar, Nottinghamshire
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The coal-fired power station at Ratcliffe-on-Soar, Nottinghamshire. Power stations such as this emit million of tonnes of CO2 every year. © BGS/UKRI.

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See our Discovering Geology pages for an introduction to carbon capture and storage.

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Carbon capture and storage research at BGS.

CO2 storage database

CO2 Stored is a national asset, identifying a geological storage potential of over 70 billion tonnes of storage deep under the UK seabed. The UK is the first country in the world to provide this information online. CO2 Stored is hosted and developed by the BGS in partnership with The Crown Estate.

CO2 Stored Logo


If you want to discover more then please contact Jonathan Pearce.

Find out more about our research

CO2 storage capacity estimation

CO2 storage capacity estimation

Providing a realistic, defensible and fully auditable estimate of the storage capacity of geological formations below the UK’s coastal waters assists in the licensing of CO2 storage sites.

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CO2 injector

Long-term performance

We are undertaking research that will help to ensure the safe and long-term storage of CO2.

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Regulations require monitoring before starting operations at a CO2 storage site.

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CO2 multistore

Storage site characterisation

Successful storage operations require rigorous site characterisation focused on risk reduction for selected storage sites.

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