BGS University Funding Initiative (BUFI)


The BGS University Funding Initiative (BUFI) is the home of doctoral research at the BGS and, in collaboration with universities, takes pride in being one of the UK’s largest providers of postgraduate research training in the applied geosciences. Our researchers can use our state-of-the-art science and technical facilities, including the most comprehensive collection of subsurface information held in our National Geoscience Data Centre. Students can undertake a wide range of training and, crucially, are able to interact with a diverse range of internationally renowned scientists. Our students study a wide range of topics, reflecting the BGS challenge areas.

Find out more about BUFI

BGS supervisor Chris Vane and BUFI PHD student Nicole Khan tracking river-estuary- coastal environmental pollution.

PhD and training opportunities

PhD opportunities at BGS.

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PhD student Sophia

PhD research with BGS

Studying for your PhD at BGS.

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Photography of person typing , Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels. Source:

BUFI current research projects

Current BUFI research projects listed by BGS Science Area.

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Publications, ©

BUFI publications

The British Geological Survey University Funding Initiative (BUFI) supports numerous PhD students through funding and/or supervision. Here is a list of ISI publications arising from these collaborations.

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Laboratory technician. Source:

BUFI alumni

Browse our list of past PhD researchers, listed by the year they completed their PhD.

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BUFI science festival

BUFI Science Festival

The BUFI Science Festival is an annual competitive event to showcase the science undertaken by BGS PhD students.

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