When in the field, a geologist may not know what rock they are looking at so they must make some observations. These observations can then help them identify what
type of rock they have found.
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Rock observations activity
When in the field, a geologist may not know what rock they are looking at so they must make some observations. These observations can then help them identify what type of rock they have found.
My field notebook
A children’s field notebook to download and print for use in the classroom or at home to log rock observations.
Grain size charts
Use these grain size cards in your observations of sedimentary rocks. You can use them for hand specimens at home or in the classroom, or on rock outcrops outdoors.
Rocks under the microscope activity
Geologists sometimes use microscopes to identify the rocks they are looking at. This is a skill that geologists use to help them make observations and draw conclusions from the samples they are analysing. Use these worksheets to practise making scientific drawings and observations of rocks under the microscope.
Rock loan kits
We have several rock kits available to loan to schools and educational organisations. These kits are free to use and can be borrowed for up to 4 weeks.
Critical raw materials classroom activities
Our modern lives rely on a whole host of metals and minerals that are extracted from the ground. These curriculum-linked lessons are designed to engage pupils with the idea of Critical Minerals.
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Maps and resources
Download and print free educational resources.