Science briefing papers

Government and policy

We have corporate policy positions on a range of geoscience topics. The science briefing papers allow BGS scientists to demonstrate and communicate their science in a succinct way to other experts, policymakers and the public.

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About BGS

As the national geological survey, we are the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative scientific data, information and knowledge to help society understand our Earth.

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Government and policy

As a world-leading geoscience organisation, we provide independent and authoritative advice to the UK government and the administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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Deep geothermal diagram

Deep Impact: unlocking the potential of geothermal energy for affordable, low-carbon heating in the UK

Deep geothermal energy exists in many parts of the UK. Where they coincide with towns and cities, geothermal resources can provide affordable and secure low-carbon heating to thousands of homes, offices and other buildings.


Metals and decarbonisation: a geological perspective

A summary of the current paradigm for global metal supply and demand, setting out some of the barriers and opportunities that this presents to the transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon economy.


Who owns geothermal heat?

Geothermal heat is a natural resource that can benefit the nation at both national and local levels so it needs to be managed and regulated in a similar way to other natural resources such as oil, gas, coal and water. This requires a clear definition of the term ‘geothermal energy’ as well as a clear understanding of ‘who owns heat’ in the ground.


Reserve judgement: focus effort on decarbonisation not depletion

While it is true that the Earth is a finite system, there is no prospect of the physical exhaustion of minerals and metals in the foreseeable future. Questioning how much we have left in the Earth’s crust is a serious diversion from the immediate challenge of rapidly approaching environmental limits associated with current methods used in the extraction and refining of minerals and metals.


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