GeoIndex (offshore)

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The offshore GeoIndex shows the range of marine geoscience data we hold within the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC). This is primarily shallow geology and geophysics data collected as either part of regional or local mapping work, or provided to us by third parties. The BGS is the Marine Environment Data and Information Network (MEDIN) data archive centre (DAC) for geology, geophysics and backscatter.

GeoIndex Offshore
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The GeoIndex Offshore interface. Contains GEBCO, IHO-IOC GEBCO, NGS and DeLorme data. BGS © UKRI.

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Datasets are also available to view as a web map service (WMS), as are offshore marine information products. Open data can be accessed and downloaded  via an API using OGCAPI-Features standards. You are able to filter and query on the properties to retrieve the exact data you need e.g.

Offshore Geology data in a bounding box

All Offshore Hydrocarbon Wells where water depth > 50 m and only include attributes wellid, wellname, completion_date, water_depth_m, tvd_m, td_m

Offshore Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Line Data which INTERSECTS a polygon area

Survey information attributes

  • Survey data attributes describe information for coastal and marine surveys that resulted in the collection of data. They contain the location (outline polygon) and basic information about the survey, including the types of equipment deployed during a survey.
  • Sample data attributes describe the information and data relating to offshore sampling activities.
  • Activity data contains location information and metadata, plus links to scanned images of sample stations datasheets where available.
  • Geochemical, geological, geotechnical and seabed sediment data includes observations and/or measurements.
  • Geophysical data attributes describe information for offshore geophysical activities.
  • The shot point layer contains only location information and metadata, whereas the survey line (seismic reflection and sonar) layers include information about the equipment types used on the line and links to scanned images of the geophysical records where the terms of use are available.
CRUISE_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a cruise record.
MDFILEID_NERC_GUIDTEXTUnique identifier for the representation of the metadata, i.e. a different value is required for each metadata standard or version that the metadata is represented in. The value to output as MD_Metadata.fileIdentifier for representations of the metadata in NERC/GEMINI2/INSPIRE ISO 19139 xml files.
CRUISETEXTName by which a cruise is known.
CRUISE_DATA_URLTEXTLocation of the survey data.
TERMS_OF_USETEXTTerms under which the data can be used.
TERMS_OF_USE_URLTEXTLocation of the terms of use.
CRUISE_ALIASTEXTAlternative names by which an individual cruise may be identified.
RESTITLETEXTBrief title for the cruise.
SHIPTEXTName of the ship used on the survey.
CLIENTTEXTName of the client for whom the cruise was undertaken.
CONTRACTORTEXTName of the contractor who undertook the cruise on behalf of the client.
CRUISE_AREATEXTName of the sea area(s) covered by the survey. Each group of sea areas is preceded by the category to which it belongs, e.g. Offshore 1:250K: Spurn.
ABSTRACTTEXTBrief description of the cruise.
ADDITIONAL_INFONUMBERAny additional information relating to the acquisition techniques, operational standards and quality control of the survey data.
NAV_EQUIP_TYPETEXTType of navigation equipment used on the cruise.
GEOPHYS_EQUIP_TYPETEXTType of geophysical equipment used on the cruise.
SAMP_EQUIP_TYPETEXTType of sampling equipment used on the cruise.
START_DATEDATEDate on which the cruise commenced.
START_DATE_ESTTEXTWhether the date on which the cruise commenced is actual or estimated.
END_DATEDATEDate on which the cruise ended.
END_DATE_ESTTEXTWhether the date on which the cruise ended is actual or estimated.
CONFIDENTIALITYTEXTConfidentiality classification.
ACCESSUSE_RESTRICTEXTAccess and use restrictions.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYPolygon in WGS84 (SRID=4326) of the cruise area.
ACTIVITY_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a sampling activity record.
SAMPLE_NAMETEXTUnique name used to identify a sample/activity. It is a concatenation of the survey station identifier, the equipment code and the equipment attempt.
IMAGE_URLTEXTLocation of the scanned image.
TERMS_OF_USETEXTTerms under which the data can be used.
TERMS_OF_USE_URLTEXTLocation of the terms of use.
SAMPLE_ALIASTEXTAlternative name by which an activity may be identified. May have been used in literature or by an external organisation.
DGSQTEXTOne degree square of latitude and longitude defined by bottom south-west corner of the square. Format: e.g. +54-001 appended with a sequential accession number forms a unique identifier for a survey station such as +54-001/230.
NUMNUMBERSequential accession number which is appended to the degree square to uniquely identify each survey station e.g. +54-001/123.
CRUISETEXTName by which a cruise is known.
SHIPTEXTName of the ship used on the survey.
SOURCE_TITLETEXTTitle of either the associated survey or offshore report.
OFFSHORE_REPORTTEXTReport number from which details of the sample were obtained.
CLIENTTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, client for whom the project was carried out. If activity is linked to a report, client for whom the report was produced.
CONTRACTORTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, contractor who undertook the project on behalf of the client. If activity is linked to a report, contractor who produced the report on behalf of the client.
EQUIPMENT_TYPETEXTType of equipment used for sampling.
EQUIPMENT_START_DATEDATEDate on which use of a specific piece of equipment began.
EQUIPMENT_ATTEMPTNUMBERSequence number for the use of a specific piece of equipment at a particular survey station. There could be multiple attempts because of equipment failure or because of different operational requirements.
SUCCESSTEXTSuccess of an activity. Used to indicate if a sample has been recovered and if not reasons for failure.
RECOVERY_VOLUMENUMBERVolume recovered, generally from a grab or dredging device, in litres.
RECOVERY_VOLUME_UNITSTEXTRecovery volume units, litres.
SAMPLE_RETAINEDTEXTSet to Y if the sample has been retained and N if the sample has been discarded after processing.
SEABED_PHOTOTEXTSet to Y if a seabed photo was taken at the site of the sampling activity.
EPSG_CODENUMBEREPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
EPSGTEXTTranslation of the EPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
XNUMBERThe X coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
YNUMBERThe Y coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
XY_SOURCETEXTSource of the X and Y coordinates. It should normally be the original value but may have been recalculated to give better accuracy.
X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
DEPTH_UNITSTEXTDepth units, metres (to the nearest centimetre).
WATER_DEPTHNUMBERWater depth in metres.
DEPTH_DATUMTEXTDepth datum (vertical coordinate system).
DEPTH_SOURCETEXTSource of the water depth.
TERMINAL_DEPTHNUMBERMaximum depth achieved by an activity in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
GEOL_SUMMARYTEXTSummary description of the sediments or bottom conditions encountered at a survey station.
ADDITIONAL_INFOTEXTAny additional information relating to a sampling activity e.g. collection methods, quality observations, limits or caveats on use, purpose of collection, relevant references.
CONFIDENTIALITYTEXTConfidentiality classification.
ACCESSUSE_RESTRICTEXTAccess and use restrictions.
RELEASE_DATEDATEData release date, where set will determine settings of confidentiality and access and use restrictions.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYPoint in WGS84 (SRID=4326) derived from the X,Y coordinates of the sampling activity.
GEOLOGICAL_DATA_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a geological data record.
ACTIVITY_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a sampling activity.
SAMPLE_NAMETEXTUnique name used to identify a sample/activity. It is a concatenation of the survey station identifier, the equipment code and the equipment attempt.
TERMS_OF_USETEXTTerms under which the data can be used.
TERMS_OF_USE_URLTEXTLocation of the terms of use.
SAMPLE_ALIASTEXTAlternative name by which an activity may be identified. May have been used in literature or by an external organisation.
SAMPLE_SOURCETEXTCruise or offshore report with which the activity is associated.
CLIENTTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, client for whom the project was carried out. If activity is linked to a report, client for whom the report was produced.
CONTRACTORTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, contractor who undertook the project on behalf of the client. If activity is linked to a report, contractor who produced the report on behalf of the client.
EQUIPMENT_TYPETEXTType of equipment used for sampling.
EQUIPMENT_START_DATEDATEDate on which use of a specific piece of equipment began.
EPSG_CODENUMBEREPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
EPSGTEXTTranslation of the EPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
XNUMBERThe X coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
YNUMBERThe Y coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
XY_SOURCETEXTSource of the X and Y coordinates. It should normally be the original value but may have been recalculated to give better accuracy.
X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
DEPTH_UNITSTEXTDepth units, metres (to the nearest centimetre).
WATER_DEPTHNUMBERWater depth in metres.
DEPTH_DATUMTEXTDepth datum (vertical coordinate system).
DEPTH_SOURCETEXTSource of the water depth.
TERMINAL_DEPTHNUMBERMaximum depth achieved by an activity in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
UNIT_DEPTH_TOPNUMBERUpper depth of the lithological unit relative to the seabed in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
UNIT_DEPTH_BASENUMBERBasal depth of the lithological unit relative to the seabed in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
UNIT_LENGTHNUMBERLength of the lithological unit in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
INTERP_SOURCETEXTSource of the interpretation.
BASE_BEDTEXTBase of bed, nature of the basal contact of a unit.
BED_TYPETEXTBedding type.
CGI_BED_TYPETEXTCommission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI) bedding type.
H2S_ODOURTEXTH2S (hydrogen sulphide) odour presence.
JOINTINGTEXTJointing based on Bieniawski Geomechanics Classification.
HEAVY_MINERALSTEXTHeavy minerals presence.
MICATEXTMica presence.
GLAUCONITETEXTGlauconite presence.
CALCAREOUSTEXTCalcareous mineral presence.
ROCK_CLASS_MAINTEXTMain rock classification.
ROCK_CLASS_MINORTEXTMinor rock classification.
CGI_SIMPLE_LITHOLOGYTEXTCommission for the Management and Application of Geoscience Information (CGI) simple lithology.
GRAIN_SIZE_MINTEXTVisual estimate of the minimum grain size according to the Udden-Wentworth scale.
GRAIN_SIZE_MAXTEXTVisual estimate of the maximum grain size according to the Udden-Wentworth scale.
GRAIN_SIZE_MEANTEXTVisual estimate of the mean grain size according to the Udden-Wentworth scale.
SAND_GRAIN_SIZE_MINTEXTMinimum sand grain size.
SAND_GRAIN_SIZE_MAXTEXTMaximum sand grain size.
SORTINGTEXTSorting quality.
SAND_SPHERICITYTEXTSand sphericity (high or low).
SAND_ROUNDNESS_MINTEXTMinimum sand roundness.
SAND_ROUNDNESS_MAXTEXTMaximum sand roundness.
GRAVEL_PERC_SHELLNUMBERPercentage of the gravel fraction that is made up of shell material.
GRAVEL_PERC_SHELL_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for percentage of the gravel fraction that is made up of shell material.
SAND_PERC_SHELLNUMBERPercentage of the sand fraction that is made up of shell material.
SAND_PERC_SHELL_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for percentage of the sand fraction that is made up of shell material.
GRAVEL_MAX_CLAST_SIZENUMBERSize of the biggest clast in the gravel fraction (in millimetres).
GRAVEL_MAX_CLAST_SIZE_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for size of the biggest clast in the gravel fraction.
GRAVEL_SPHERICITYTEXTGravel sphericity (high or low).
GRAVEL_ROUNDNESS_MINTEXTMinimum gravel roundness.
GRAVEL_ROUNDNESS_MAXTEXTMaximum gravel roundness.
MUD_HARDNESS_MINTEXTMinimum mud hardness.
MUD_HARDNESS_MAXTEXTMaximum mud hardness.
MUD_PLASTICITY_MINTEXTMinimum mud plasticity.
MUD_PLASTICITY_MAXTEXTMaximum mud plasticity.
CHRONOSTRAT_MINTEXTMinimum age chronostratigraphy.
CHRONOSTRAT_MAXTEXTMaximum age chronostratigraphy.
FAUNA_FOSSILSTEXTFauna fossils presence.
WHOLE_SHELLSTEXTWhole shells presence.
FORAMSTEXTForaminifera presence.
PLANT_REMAINSTEXTPlant remains presence.
BIOTURBATIONTEXTBioturbation index.
MUNSELL_CODE_MAINTEXTMain munsell soil colour code.
MUNSELL_COLOUR_MAINTEXTMain munsell soil colour.
MUNSELL_CODE_MINORTEXTMinor munsell soil colour code.
MUNSELL_COLOUR_MINORTEXTMinor munsell soil colour.
GEOLOGISTTEXTGeologist who described the geological data.
GEOL_DESCTEXTGeological description.
ADDITIONAL_INFOTEXTAny additional information.
CONFIDENTIALITYTEXTConfidentiality classification.
ACCESSUSE_RESTRICTEXTAccess and use restrictions.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYPoint in WGS84 (SRID=4326) derived from the X,Y coordinates of the sampling activity.
GEOTECHNICAL_DATA_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a geotechnical data record.
ACTIVITY_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a sampling activity.
SAMPLE_NAMETEXTUnique name used to identify a sample/activity. It is a concatenation of the survey station identifier, the equipment code and the equipment attempt.
TERMS_OF_USETEXTTerms under which the data can be used.
TERMS_OF_USE_URLTEXTLocation of the terms of use.
SAMPLE_ALIASTEXTAlternative name by which an activity may be identified. May have been used in literature or by an external organisation.
SAMPLE_SOURCETEXTCruise or offshore report with which the activity is associated.
CLIENTTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, client for whom the project was carried out. If activity is linked to a report, client for whom the report was produced.
CONTRACTORTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, contractor who undertook the project on behalf of the client. If activity is linked to a report, contractor who produced the report on behalf of the client.
EQUIPMENT_TYPETEXTType of equipment used for sampling.
EQUIPMENT_START_DATEDATEDate on which use of a specific piece of equipment began.
EPSG_CODENUMBEREPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
EPSGTEXTTranslation of the EPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
XNUMBERThe X coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
YNUMBERThe Y coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
XY_SOURCETEXTSource of the X and Y coordinates. It should normally be the original value but may have been recalculated to give better accuracy.
X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
DEPTH_UNITSTEXTDepth units, metres (to the nearest centimetre).
WATER_DEPTHNUMBERWater depth in metres.
DEPTH_DATUMTEXTDepth datum (vertical coordinate system).
DEPTH_SOURCETEXTSource of the water depth.
TERMINAL_DEPTHNUMBERMaximum depth achieved by an activity in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
MEAS_DEPTHNUMBERDepth of reading relative to the seabed in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
MEAS_SOURCETEXTSource of the measurement.
MEAS_ORIENTATIONTEXTMeasurement orientation (vertical, horizontal or unknown).
SHEAR_STRENGTHNUMBERShear strength, the average of the hand vane readings multiplied by the conversion factor (in kPa).
COMPR_STRENGTHNUMBERCompressive strength, the average of the penetrometer head readings multiplied by the conversion factor (in kPa).
MOISTURE_CONTENTNUMBERRatio of the mass of water to the mass of solids, expressed as a percentage.
PLASTIC_LIMITNUMBERMoisture content where the thread breaks apart at a diameter of 3.2 mm (about 1/8 inch), expressed as a percentage.
PLASTIC_LIMIT_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for PLASTIC_LIMIT, per cent.
LIQUID_LIMITNUMBERLiquid limit (LL) is conceptually defined as the water content at which the behavior of a clayey soil changes from plastic to liquid, expressed as percentage.
LIQUID_LIMIT_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for LIQUID_LIMIT, per cent.
PLASTICITY_INDEXNUMBERPlasticity index (PI) is a measure of the plasticity of a soil. The plasticity index is the size of the range of water contents where the soil exhibits plastic properties, expressed as percentage.
SOIL_ACTIVITYNUMBERPlasticity index divided by the percent of clay–sized particles (less than 2 μm) present. Different types of clays have different specific surface areas which controls how much wetting is required to move a soil from one phase to another such as across the liquid limit or the plastic limit. From the activity, one can predict the dominant clay type present in a soil sample.
LIQUIDITY_INDEXNUMBERLiquidity index (LI) is used for scaling the natural water content of a soil sample to the limits.
BULK_DENSITYNUMBERTotal mass of air, water, solids divided by the total volume of air water and solids, expressed as mg/m3.
BULK_DENSITY_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for BULK_DENSITY, mg/m3.
DRY_DENSITYNUMBERMass of solids divided by the total volume of air water and solids, expressed as mg/m3.
DRY_DENSITY_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for DRY_DENSITY, mg/m3.
SATURATED_DENSITYNUMBERBulk density of the soil when it is fully saturated, expressed as mg/m3.
VOIDS_RATIONUMBERRatio of the volume of voids to the volume of solid particles in a soil mass.
POROSITYNUMBERRatio of the volume of voids (containing air, water, or other fluids) in a soil to the total volume of the soil, expressed as either percentage or fraction.
POROSITY_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for POROSITY, per cent or fraction.
DEG_SATURATIONNUMBERRatio of the volume of water to the volume of voids, expressed as percentage.
DEG_SATURATION_UNITSTEXTUnits of measurement for DEG_SATURATION, per cent.
SPECIFIC_GRAVITYNUMBERRatio of the density of the sample to the density of water.
ADDITIONAL_INFOTEXTAny additional information.
CONFIDENTIALITYTEXTConfidentiality classification.
ACCESSUSE_RESTRICTEXTAccess and use restrictions.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYPoint in WGS84 (SRID=4326) derived from the X,Y coordinates of the sampling activity.
GEOCHEMICAL_DATA_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a geochemical data record.
ACTIVITY_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a sampling activity.
SAMPLE_NAMETEXTUnique name used to identify a sample/activity. It is a concatenation of the survey station identifier, the equipment code and the equipment attempt.
TERMS_OF_USETEXTTerms under which the data can be used.
TERMS_OF_USE_URLTEXTLocation of the terms of use.
SAMPLE_ALIASTEXTAlternative name by which an activity may be identified. May have been used in literature or by an external organisation.
SAMPLE_SOURCETEXTCruise or offshore report with which the activity is associated.
CLIENTTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, client for whom the project was carried out. If activity is linked to a report, client for whom the report was produced.
CONTRACTORTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, contractor who undertook the project on behalf of the client. If activity is linked to a report, contractor who produced the report on behalf of the client.
EQUIPMENT_TYPETEXTType of equipment used for sampling.
EQUIPMENT_START_DATEDATEDate on which use of a specific piece of equipment began.
EPSG_CODENUMBEREPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
EPSGTEXTTranslation of the EPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
XNUMBERThe X coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
YNUMBERThe Y coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
XY_SOURCETEXTSource of the X and Y coordinates. It should normally be the original value but may have been recalculated to give better accuracy.
X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
DEPTH_UNITSTEXTDepth units, metres (to the nearest centimetre).
WATER_DEPTHNUMBERWater depth in metres.
DEPTH_DATUMTEXTDepth datum (vertical coordinate system).
DEPTH_SOURCETEXTSource of the water depth.
TERMINAL_DEPTHNUMBERMaximum depth achieved by an activity in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
ANALYSIS_SOURCETEXTSource of the analysis.
LI_PPMNUMBERLithium (ppm)
BE_PPMNUMBERBeryllium (ppm)
B_PPMNUMBERBoron (ppm)
MGO_PERNUMBERMagnesium (per cent)
AL2O3_PERNUMBERAluminium (per cent)
SIO2_PERNUMBERSilicon (per cent)
P_PERNUMBERPhosphorus (per cent)
K2O_PERNUMBERPotassium (per cent)
CAO_PERNUMBERCalcium (per cent)
SC_PPMNUMBERScandium (ppm)
TIO2_PERNUMBERTitanium (per cent)
V_PPMNUMBERVanadium (ppm)
CR_PPMNUMBERChromium (ppm)
MN_PERNUMBERManganese (per cent)
FE2O3_PERNUMBERIron (per cent)
CO_PPMNUMBERCobalt (ppm)
NI_PPMNUMBERNickel (ppm)
CU_PPMNUMBERCopper (ppm)
GA_PPMNUMBERGallium (ppm)
GE_PPMNUMBERGermanium (ppm)
RB_PPMNUMBERRubidium (ppm)
SR_PPMNUMBERStrontium (ppm)
Y_PPMNUMBERYttrium (ppm)
ZR_PPMNUMBERZirconium (ppm)
NB_PPMNUMBERNiobium (ppm)
MO_PPMNUMBERMolybdenum (ppm)
AG_PPMNUMBERSilver (ppm)
CD_PPMNUMBERCadmium (ppm)
SN_PPMNUMBERStrontium (ppm)
BA_PPMNUMBERBarium (ppm)
LA_PPMNUMBERLanthanum (ppm)
CE_PPMNUMBERCerium (ppm)
ND_PPMNUMBERNeodymium (ppm)
HG_PPMNUMBERMercury (ppm)
BI_PPMNUMBERBismuth (ppm)
U_PPMNUMBERUranium (ppm)
CONFIDENTIALITYTEXTConfidentiality classification.
ACCESSUSE_RESTRICTEXTAccess and use restrictions.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYPoint in WGS84 (SRID=4326) derived from the X,Y coordinates of the sampling activity.
PSA_DATA_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a particle size analysis data record.
ACTIVITY_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a sampling activity.
SAMPLE_NAMETEXTUnique name used to identify a sample/activity. It is a concatenation of the survey station identifier, the equipment code and the equipment attempt.
TERMS_OF_USETEXTTerms under which the data can be used.
TERMS_OF_USE_URLTEXTLocation of the terms of use.
SAMPLE_ALIASTEXTAlternative name by which an activity may be identified. May have been used in literature or by an external organisation.
SAMPLE_SOURCETEXTCruise or offshore report with which the activity is associated.
CLIENTTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, client for whom the project was carried out. If activity is linked to a report, client for whom the report was produced.
CONTRACTORTEXTIf activity is linked to a cruise, contractor who undertook the project on behalf of the client. If activity is linked to a report, contractor who produced the report on behalf of the client.
EQUIPMENT_TYPETEXTType of equipment used for sampling.
EQUIPMENT_START_DATEDATEDate on which use of a specific piece of equipment began.
EPSG_CODENUMBEREPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
EPSGTEXTTranslation of the EPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
XNUMBERThe X coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
YNUMBERThe Y coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
XY_SOURCETEXTSource of the X and Y coordinates. It should normally be the original value but may have been recalculated to give better accuracy.
X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
DEPTH_UNITSTEXTDepth units, metres (to the nearest centimetre).
WATER_DEPTHNUMBERWater depth in metres.
DEPTH_DATUMTEXTDepth datum (vertical coordinate system).
DEPTH_SOURCETEXTSource of the water depth.
TERMINAL_DEPTHNUMBERMaximum depth achieved by an activity in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
DEPTH_TOPNUMBERUpper depth relative to the sea bed in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
DEPTH_BASENUMBERLower depth relative to the sea bed in metres (to the nearest centimetre).
ANALYSIS_SOURCETEXTSource of the analysis.
FOLK_CLASSTEXTAbbreviation by which the folk classification is known.
FOLKTEXTDescription of the folk classification.
WEIGHTNUMBERTotal weight of sample, grams.
WEIGHT_UNITSTEXTWeight units, grams.
GRAVNUMBERPercentage gravel.
SANDNUMBERPercentage sand.
MUDNUMBERPercentage mud.
GSM_UNITSTEXTGravel, sand and mud units, per cent.
TGRAVNUMBERWeight of gravel used in carbonate test, grams.
CGRAVNUMBERPercentage carbonate in gravel.
TSANDNUMBERWeight of sand used in carbonate test, grams.
CSANDNUMBERPercentage carbonate in sand.
TMUDNUMBERWeight of mud used in carbonate test, grams.
CMUDNUMBERPercentage carbonate in mud.
CTOTNUMBERPercentage carbonate in total sample.
CARBONATE_UNITSTEXTCarbonate units, percent.
PHI_MI_6_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -7.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -6.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (90 510–128 000 micron).
PHI_MI_6_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -6.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the -6.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (64 000–90 510 micron).
PHI_MI_6NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -7.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -6.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (64 000–128 000 micron).
PHI_MI_5_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -6.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -5.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (45 255–64 000 micron).
PHI_MI_5_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -5.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the -5.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (32 000–45 255 micron).
PHI_MI_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -6.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -5.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (32 000–64 000 micron).
PHI_MI_4_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -5.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -4.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (22 627–32 000 micron).
PHI_MI_4_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -4.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the -4.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (16 000–22 627 micron).
PHI_MI_4NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -5.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -4.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (16 000–32 000 micron).
PHI_MI_3_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -4.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -3.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (11 314–16 000 micron).
PHI_MI_3_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -3.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the -3.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (8000–11 314 micron).
PHI_MI_3NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -4.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -3.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (8000–16000 micron).
PHI_MI_2_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -3.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -2.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (5657–8000 micron).
PHI_MI_2_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -2.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the -2.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (4000–5657 micron).
PHI_MI_2NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -3.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -2.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (4000–8000 micron).
PHI_MI_1_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -2.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -1.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (2828–4000 micron).
PHI_MI_1_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -1.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the -1.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (2000–2828 micron).
PHI_MI_1NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -2.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -1.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (2000–4000 micron).
PHI_MI_0_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -1.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the -0.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (1414–2000 micron).
PHI_MI_0_25NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -0.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the -0.25 phi sieve, or equivalent (1189–1414 micron).
PHI_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -1.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 0.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (1000–2000 micron). The range is the very coarse sand fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_0_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the -0.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 0.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (1000–1414 micron).
PHI_0_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 0.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 0.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (707–1000 micron).
PHI_1NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 0.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 1.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (500–1000 micron). The range is the coarse sand fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_1_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 0.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 1.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (500–707 micron).
PHI_1_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 1.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 1.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (354–500 micron).
PHI_2NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 1.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 2.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (250–500 micron). The range is the medium sand fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_2_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 1.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 2.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (250–354 micron).
PHI_2_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 2.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 2.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (177–250 micron).
PHI_3NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 2.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 3.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (125–250 micron). The range is the fine sand fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_3_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 2.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 3.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (125–177 micron).
PHI_3_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 3.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 3.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (88–125 micron).
PHI_3_75NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 3.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 3.75 phi sieve, or equivalent (74–88 micron).
PHI_4NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 3.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 4.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (62.5–125 micron). The range is the very fine sand fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_4_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 3.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 4.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (62.5–88 micron).
PHI_4_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 4.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 4.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (44.2–62.5 micron).
PHI_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 4.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 5.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (31.25–62.5 micron). The range is the coarse silt fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_5_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 4.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 5.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (31.25–44.2 micron).
PHI_5_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 5.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 5.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (22–31.25 micron).
PHI_6NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 5.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 6.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (15.6–31.25 micron). The range is the medium silt fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_6_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 5.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 6.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (15.6–22 micron).
PHI_6_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 6.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 6.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (11–15.6 micron).
PHI_7NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 6.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 7.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (7.8–15.6 micron). The range is the fine silt fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_7_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 6.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 7.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (7.8–11 micron).
PHI_7_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 7.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 7.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (5.5–7.8 micron).
PHI_8NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 7.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 8.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (3.9–7.8 micron). The range is the very fine silt fraction according to the Wentworth classification.
PHI_8_0NUMBERSediment that that has passed through the 7.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 8.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (3.9–5.5 micron).
PHI_8_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 8.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 8.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (2.76–3.9 micron).
PHI_9NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 8.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 9.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (2–3.9 micron).
PHI_9_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 8.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 9.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (2–2.76 micron).
PHI_9_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 9.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 9.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (1.38–2 micron).
PHI_10NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 9.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 10.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.98–2 micron).
PHI_10_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 9.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 10.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.98–1.38 micron).
PHI_10_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 10.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 10.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.69–0.98 micron).
PHI_11NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 10.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 11.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.49–0.98 micron).
PHI_11_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 10.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 11.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.49–0.69 micron).
PHI_11_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 11.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 11.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.35–0.49 micron).
PHI_12NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 11.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 12.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.25–0.49 micron).
PHI_12_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 11.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 12.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.25–0.35 micron).
PHI_12_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 12.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 12.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.175–0.25 micron).
PHI_13NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 12.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 13.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.125–0.25 micron).
PHI_13_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 12.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 13.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.125–0.175 micron).
PHI_13_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 13.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 13.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.085–0.125 micron).
PHI_14NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 13.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 14.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.06–01.25 micron).
PHI_14_0NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 13.5 phi sieve and has been retained by the 14.0 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.06–0.085 micron).
PHI_14_5NUMBERSediment that has passed through the 14.0 phi sieve and has been retained by the 14.5 phi sieve, or equivalent (0.04–0.06 micron).
PHI_UNITSTEXTPHI units, either grams or percent.
ADDITIONAL_INFOTEXTAny additional information relating to the particle size analysis e.g. quality control, standards.
CONFIDENTIALITYTEXTConfidentiality classification.
ACCESSUSE_RESTRICTEXTAccess and use restrictions.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYPoint in WGS84 (SRID=4326) derived from the X,Y coordinates of the sampling activity.
SVY_LINE_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a survey line record.
CRUISE_DATA_URLTEXTLocation of the survey data.
CRUISE_LINETEXTCombination of the name by which the cruise and line is known separated by a hash (‘#’) symbol.
SCAN_URLTEXTLocation of the scanned image.
SCAN_INFORMATIONTEXTAdditional information relating to the scanned image.
TERMS_OF_USETEXTTerms under which the data can be used.
TERMS_OF_USE_URLTEXTLocation of the terms of use.
CRUISETEXTName by which a cruise is known.
SVY_LINETEXTName by which a line is known.
CLIENTTEXTName of the client for whom the cruise was undertaken.
CONTRACTORTEXTName of the contractor who undertook the cruise on behalf of the client.
GEOPHYS_EQUIPTEXTGeophysical equipment type used on a line.
ADDITIONAL_INFOTEXTAny additional information relating to the geophysical equipment type used on a line.
LINE_LENGTHNUMBERLength of the survey line calculated from SHAPE_WGS84 to the nearest kilometre.
LINE_LENGTH_UNITSTEXTLine length units, kilometres.
EPSG_CODETEXTEPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
EPSGTEXTTranslation of the EPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
START_XNUMBERThe X coordinate at the line start. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
START_YNUMBERThe Y coordinate at the line start. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
START_DATETIMEDATEDate and time of the start of the survey line where available.
END_XNUMBERThe X coordinate at the line end. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
END_YNUMBERThe Y coordinate at the line end. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
END_DATETIMEDATEDate and time of the end of the survey line where available.
START_X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate of the start point of the line using the ED50 coordinate system.
START_Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate of the start point of the line using the ED50 coordinate system.
END_X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate of the end point of the line using the ED50 coordinate system.
END_Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate of the end point of the line using the ED50 coordinate system.
START_X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate of the start point of the line using the WGS84 coordinate system.
START_Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate of the start point of the line using the WGS84 coordinate system.
END_X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate of the end point of the line using the WGS84 coordinate system.
END_Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate of the end point of the line using the WGS84 coordinate system.
START_X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) of the start point of the line using the British National Grid coordinate system.
START_Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) of the start point of the line using the British National Grid coordinate system.
END_X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) of the end point of the line using the British National Grid coordinate system.
END_Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) of the end point of the line using the British National Grid coordinate system.
CONFIDENTIALITYTEXTConfidentiality classification.
ACCESSUSE_RESTRICTEXTAccess and use restrictions.
QUALITY_ASSESSMENTTEXTQuality assessment of the data for the geophysical equipment type used on a line, either high, low, acceptable.
RELEASE_DATEDATEData release date, where set will determine settings of confidentiality and access and use restrictions.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYLine in WGS84 (SRID=4326) derived from the X,Y coordinates of the survey line.
SVY_LINE_PT_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a survey line point record.
SVY_LINE_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of a survey line.
CRUISETEXTName by which a cruise is known.
SVY_LINETEXTName by which a line is known.
CRUISE_LINETEXTCombination of the name by which the cruise and line is known separated by a hash symbol (#) .
DATETIMEDATEDate and time (to the nearest second) of the fix.
EPSG_CODETEXTEPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
EPSGTEXTTranslation of the EPSG (OGP) code for the horizontal coordinate system.
XNUMBERThe X coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
YNUMBERThe Y coordinate. It may be lat/long, national grid, UTM, etc.
XY_SOURCETEXTSource of the X and Y coordinates. It should normally be the original value but may have been recalculated to give better accuracy.
X_ED50NUMBERX coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
Y_ED50NUMBERY coordinate using the ED50 coordinate system.
X_WGS84NUMBERX coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
Y_WGS84NUMBERY coordinate using the WGS84 coordinate system.
X_BNGNUMBEREasting (X) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
Y_BNGNUMBERNorthing (Y) using the British National Grid coordinate system.
WATER_DEPTHNUMBERWater depth in metres.
WATER_DEPTH_UNITSTEXTDepth units, metres (to the nearest centimetre).
DEPTH_ACCURACYNUMBERAccuracy of the depth in metres.
DEPTH_SOURCETEXTSource of the water depth.
SHAPE_WGS84SDO_GEOMETRYPoint in WGS84 (SRID=4326) derived from the X,Y coordinates of the survey line point.

Hydrocarbon well attributes

WELLID NUMBER Unique identifier of an offshore well.
WELLNAME TEXT Well registration number defined by OGA Petroleum Operations Notice No. 12.
DETAILS TEXT Link to the core sample results including photos where available.
DEN_NUMBER TEXT Unique number assigned to the well by OGA.
LICENCE TEXT The original licence number under which drilling of the well was authorised.
QUADRANT TEXT The UKCS quadrant in which the well is located.
BLOCK TEXT The UKCS shelf block in which the well is located
BLOCK_SUFFIX TEXT Block suffix letter (if any).
FIELDNAME TEXT The name of the hydrocarbon field in which the well is located
SPUD_DATE DATE The date the well was spudded or sidetracked.
COMPLETION_DATE DATE The date the well was left in one of three mechanical states, either completed for production, suspended or abandoned.
TD_DATE DATE The date on which drilling reached (or is planned to reach) the total depth of the well.
RELEASE_DATE DATE The date on which the confidentiality period of a well ends.
WELL_CLASS TEXT The original operator’s purpose in drilling the well, either appraisal, development or exploration.
WELL_STATUS TEXT The current mechanical status of the well, either drilling, completed, suspended or plugged and abandoned.
CURRENT_OWNER TEXT The current (or most recent) operating licensee as nominated under a Joint Operating Agreement (or similar).
ORIGINAL_OPERATOR TEXT The licensee who operated the well at the time it was actually drilled.
DATUM_ELEV_M NUMBER The distance between the ZMD (zero measured depth) and the ZMD elevation datum.
DATUM_TYPE TEXT Vertical datum for the well (zero measured depth). The reference point from which depths are measured.
EPSG_CODE TEXT The EPSG  code for the horizontal coordinate reference system  applicable to the top hole location of the well.
ORIG_SURFACE_LATITUDE NUMBER Latitude for the top hole location of the well.
ORIG_SURFACE_LONGITUDE NUMBER Longitude for the top hole location of the well.
WATER_DEPTH_M NUMBER Depth of water from mean sea level to mud line, in metres.
TVD_M NUMBER Total vertical depth subsea (in metres), the direct vertical distance from the top hole location, measured at sea level, to the bottom of the well.
TD_M NUMBER Total depth (in metres), the depth of the bottom of the well, from zero measured depth, measured by the driller or logger from the length of pipe required to reach the bottom.
WELL_FLOW_TYPE TEXT If flow is present, then whether flow is out of the well or into the well, either producer, injector, disposal or other.
WELL_DEVIATION TEXT Classification of the trajectory of the well, either vertical, horizontal or deviated.
WELL_FLOW_CLASS TEXT A description of the substance produced from or injected into the well.
DATA_SOURCE TEXT The source of the well information (e.g. OGA).
SHAPE_ED50 SDO_GEOMETRY Point in ED50 derived from the X,Y coordinates of the well.

Site survey attributes

SITE_SVY_IDNUMBERUnique identifier of the survey designed for use by the database.
MDFILEID_NERC_GUIDTEXTUnique identifier for the representation of the metadata.
BGS_REF_NOTEXTUnique identifier of the survey assigned to all surveys by BGS. Format: CCYYSSNNNN where: CC is the operator code based on the set promulgated by Oil and Gas UK; YY is the year in which the survey was undertaken; SS is the survey type i.e. Site Survey; NNNN is an alphanumeric survey designator with leading blanks padded with zeroes.
DECC_REF_NOTEXTThe survey consent number (formerly PON 14 reference number). Not present for legacy surveys.
SITE_SVY_NAMETEXTThe name by which the survey is known within the Operator company.
ORIGINATORTEXTThe originator i.e. the organisation who created the resource. The operating Licensee as nominated under a Joint Operating Agreement (or similar) for a particular licence (or discrete part thereof) which carried the obligations for Licence Data for a specific survey (on behalf of a Licence Group) at the time that the survey was shot.
CONTRACTORTEXTThe company contracted to shoot the survey.
SVY_START_DATEDATEThe date on which the survey was started.
SVY_END_DATEDATEThe date on which the survey was ended.
ABSTRACTTEXTA brief statement on the content of the dataset, including what form the data takes and what purpose it was collected for.
ADDITIONAL_INFOTEXTBrief details of the techniques used during the survey e.g. data collection methods, data processing methods, quality control processes and data collection standards.
CUSTODIANTEXTOrganisation that accepts responsibility for the data and ensures its appropriate care and maintenance. Company to contact for further information about the survey.
CUSTODIAN_NAMETEXTName of a person to contact for further information about the survey. Not present if the contact is at organisation level.
CUSTODIAN_EMAILTEXTEmail of a person to contact for further information about the survey. A generic organisation email if the contact is at organisation level.
CUSTODIAN_TELTEXTPhone number of a person to contact for further information about the survey. A generic organisation phone number if the contact is at organisation level.


Terms of use

These data are delivered under the terms of theOpen Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced BGS materials: “Contains British Geological Survey materials © UKRI [year]”. Contact us (  if you create something new and innovative that could benefit others. 

We encourage users to use OpenGeoscience material with their own data.  The BGS provides no warranty as to the quality, accuracy or completeness of this free map data or the medium on which it is supplied. This includes any warranty as to the continued provision of material or that the material taken from this site is compatible with your computer system and/or any other data with which the material is to be used.

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