About BGS

The British Geological Survey is a world-leading geological survey and global geoscience organisation, focused on public-good science for government and research to understand earth and environmental processes.
We are the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data, information and knowledge to help society to use its natural resources responsibly, manage environmental change and be resilient to environmental hazards.
Our vision:
To be a leading and trusted provider of geological data and knowledge to meet the societal need for a sustainable future.

BGS is the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative geoscientific data.
To use our knowledge of geology to address societal challenges. We generate data, information and expertise through observation, analysis and characterisation of the Earth and its geological processes. We work at local, regional, national and global scales, and monitor at multiple temporal scales, from real-time to multi-decadal. We are independent and impartial.
We have a corporate structure that determines how we develop and operate as a leading, scientifically driven, geological survey. We are part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and a research centre under the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), with an independent BGS Board created in 2018.
The roles and responsibilities of the BGS Board are defined in a 2020 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the BGS and NERC.
As an organisation, the BGS Strategy 2023 to 2028 – Understanding our Earth– sets out three challenge areas and four science priorities:
- decarbonisation and resource management
- environmental change, adaptation and resilience
- multi-hazards and resilience
Our science priorities aim to tackle challenges to the environment and society over the next five years. They will require BGS to grow in size as an organisation.
- maps and models for the 21st century
- a more secure energy transition
- improved water security
- living with geological hazards
Our annual turnover is in the region of £55 million, about 50 per cent of which comes from UKRI-NERC’s National Capability funding, with the remainder coming from commissioned research from the public and private sectors.
Further details may be found in our Annual Reports.
Find out more about us

Our data and services
The BGS offers a range of services and information for businesses, home-owners, policymakers and the general public.

Our history
The British Geological Survey is the world’s oldest national geological survey.

Working with us
BGS is committed to being an employer of choice and strives to embrace a culture of inclusivity and flexibility.

Offices and locations
Find out more about our offices and facilities located across the UK.