Our Product Development teams specialise in combining geoscience with data analytics. Our remit is to maintain and develop new and innovative data products to provide geoscientific information to our stakeholders, served up in a format that is accessible and intuitive.

We work closely with the BGS research areas to ensure we incorporate the latest in data, knowledge and know-how, and alongside business development, translate science into data products that respond to stakeholder needs. We also contribute scientific and geospatial analytical skills and data management expertise to cross-government, multi-agency approaches such as Geospatial Commission.
If you would like to receive regular updates on our latest news and developments then please join our newsletter. You can view the latest edition of the data products newsletter here.
Combining expertise from engineering geology, geochemistry, modelling, GIS and many more disciplines, our product development aims to:
- supply data and knowledge to users that can be used in the analysis of a range of geo-environmental problems
- explore alternative and new methodologies with internal and external partners, developing existing products and services as well as generating new and innovative ones
- develop multidisciplinary data products
- develop dynamic products (i.e. temporal or responsive) modelling factors such as impact, resilience, risk and uncertainty using numerical and stochastic techniques, improving the quality and integrity of products and services
- develop new and innovative methods of data presentation, particularly looking at how to incorporate near real-time data, dynamic process models and 3D geological models and data
- respond to end-user needs /problems – work in collaboration with external and internal stakeholders.
The BGS has set up a data user group to help steer and evaluate new and existing data products. The programme enables us to consult a wide range of consumers of both our commercial and open data products, who then influence and assist us in developing new products that are relevant to our user community.
We are always happy to have new members of this group and welcome any interest. If you are keen to get involved, preview early releases of data and have an opportunity to influence product development then please contact the digital licensing team.
We regularly work in partnerships and on collaborative projects such as NERC ERIIP, NERC Innovation, Innovate UK, Pathfinder and European Space Agency. We contribute both scientific and geospatial analytical skills and expertise.
The Product development teams have a broad range of data analytical skills and expertise and are able to provide commissioned services to stakeholders, for example a review of multiple geohazards tailored specifically to a network or asset portfolio. We have carried out work for National Grid, Network Rail, HS2 and others.
Featured data products

GeoClimate UKCP09 and UKCP18
BGS has developed a suite of products, including maps and data, which show potential change in subsidence due to UKCP climate change scenarios

Property subsidence assessment
The BGS property subsidence assessment dataset uses a combination of best available geology, tree location and property information to provide property- and postcode-specific information on ground movement across England and Wales.

BGS Resistivity
This theme provides information on the electrical resistivity of a geological material, to be used where the earthing characteristics of the ground are required.

BGS GeoScour Premium
The BGS GeoScour datasets provide a generalised overview of the natural characteristics and properties of catchment and riverine environments for the assessment of river scour in Great Britain.
Latest digital data news & events

Seabed geology data: results from stakeholder consultation
BGS collected valuable stakeholder feedback as part of a new Crown Estate-led initiative to improve understanding of national-scale seabed geology requirements.

What lies beneath Liverpool?
The geological secrets lying under the surface of Liverpool and Warrington have been unveiled for the first time in BGS’s 3D interactive tool.

BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility: helping mitigate one of the UK’s most costly hazards
Groundwater flooding accounts for an estimated £530 million in damages per year; geoscientific data can help to minimise its impact.

National Hydrocarbons Data Archive files now accessible through the National Data Repository
Offshore well and survey information held within BGS’s archive have now been transferred to the North Sea Transition Authority’s National Data Repository to enable greater access.

Update released for BGS open-source database software, ETL Helper
The software tool helps simplify the process of data transfer into and out of databases.

Update to BGS’s AGS file utilities tool released
BGS has released significant updates to its online tool for validating geotechnical data held as AGS files. The update includes improvements to the tool’s user interface and the ability to convert AGS data into MS Excel files.

BGS’s National Geoscience Data Centre releases over 8000 technical reports
The technical reports, covering the full spectrum of BGS activities and subjects, were produced between 1950 and 2000.

BGS announces collaboration with Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey and BGS have teamed up to add a range of geological data products to the OS Data Hub, making it easier for users to access and use geospatial data.

BGS data product licence fees to rise
New direct licence fees to be introduced from 1 April 2024.

Evolving policies in the face of climate change: BGS data can help
Climate change is increasingly recognised as a major challenge for organisations, with the need for adaptation driving a wave of policy updates and reforms across multiple sectors. BGS data holdings are relevant to many of these changes and the following examples outline how these data packages can be applied.

A new open dataset to benefit onshore geoscience research
Data from deep onshore hydrocarbon wells is being released on an open access basis to help meet the UK’s net zero targets.

AGS file utilities tool: production release
BGS’s online tool for validating AGS files against the official AGS data format rules and its own NGDC data submission requirements goes live.
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Digital data licensing and resellers
Providing a wide range of licences for the use and utilisation of our information products by for those interested in an information product and the Open Government Licence is not applicable.