Russell Lawley’s Biography
- 2023 – present: Geologist BGS Product Development
- 2023 – 2010: Team lead: Properties and Resources products
- 2006– present: Project leader various commissioned projects (Earthing parameters for power systems, power network hazard assessment, climate change adaptation for railways)
- 2003– present: Project leader various digital products and services (Superficial deposit thickness model, Soil Parent Materials, BGS Civils, BGS Geology, UK soil observatory)
- 1993 – 2011: GIS and 3D Systems developer
- 1990 – 1997: Geologist, British Geological Survey
- 1985 – 1988: Undergraduate study, BSc (Hons), University of Leeds
Research interests
- Digital geoscience products: How and why we create digital geoscience products to solve problems
- Integration of geo-data with ecological information to derive natural capital assessments of our landscape: How we value the natural capital or ecosystem services afforded to us by the geology beneath our feet
- Soils and weathering-zone characterisation of the UK: Analysis of geological factors that drive the development of soils in our landscape
- Spatial modelling (terrain analysis and spatial distribution of soil-geology characteristics): How we map and portray soil and geology characteristics across our landscape
Current projects and collaborations
- UK Soil Observatory: a multi-centre portal of soil information for UK
- BGS Geology: the digital geological map of Great Britain
- BGS Civils: geotechnical mapping for the shallow subsurface
- BGS Radon: a model of radon potential across the UK
- Soil Parent Material model: Parent materials: the geological substrate to soils
- BGS SDTM: The superficial thickness model (depth to bedrock/rockhead)
- Collaboration: Centre for Ecology and Hydrology – UKSO: A multi-centre portal of soil information for UK
Published outputs
- Geological interpretation
- Project management
- Spatial data analysis