
Erta' Ale - Pahoehoe. Texture in 1973 lava, Ethiopia.

Our research includes core geological survey and monitoring work and other innovative projects addressing today’s geoscientific challenges driven by the changing needs of our stakeholders.

Our research

Environmental change

Environmental change, adaptation and resilience

We are undertaking research aimed at reducing vulnerability, protecting resources and building resilience in response to substantial environmental changes.

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Ince Marshes © Peter Corcoran

Decarbonisation and resource management

Decarbonisation of power production, heat, transport and industry is a major challenge and one that intrinsically involves geoscience.

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Photo by Marc Szeglat on Unsplash

Multi-hazards and resilience

We work with partners worldwide to enhance understanding of hazards, vulnerability, exposure and risk to ensure our science is useful, usable and used.

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Image from BGS Geology of Britain Map

Digital geoscience

The BGS is a data-rich organisation. Our data science and data infrastructure are fundamental to our future research and underpin our strategic challenges.

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Avon Gorge at Clifton. Looking north.

National geoscience

The National Geoscience programme is a forward-looking investment in UK geology that provides relevant, coherent and enriched geoscience knowledge for our stakeholders.

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BGS Global Geoscience

International geoscience

BGS is active across the globe delivering institutional strengthening programmes and applied research projects across a wide variety of sectors.

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Explore research projects

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groundwater flowpaths
Environmental change

Environmental modelling 

Advancing the understanding of environmental systems through innovative modelling techniques and interdisciplinary research.

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Monitoring shallow groundwater - ground investigation in Glasgow. BGS © UKRI. 

The Common Ground project

The Common Ground project aims to enhance the value of GI data for the UK construction and environmental sectors.

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Postgraduate students from the University for Development Studies, Ghana, learning about instrumentation and hydrology. BGS © UKRI.


TerraFIRMA is a five-year, NERC-funded, Multi-Centre National Capability (MCNC) UKRI award running from April 2022 to March 2027

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Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is all energy stored in the form of heat beneath the surface of the solid earth. It is a reliable and constant source of low-carbon, renewable heat that is not dependent on weather conditions.

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A view across the Marram and Sea-lyme sand dunes at Formby Point towards the shore line where the sea laps gently on the yellow sandy beach. Photograph © National Trust

The impacts of rising groundwater at the coast

Our current activities build on the BGS’s extensive research experience in this region, contributing to welfare and future economic growth by the responsible use of natural resources.

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Limestone pavement, Cumbria

Sinkholes and karst research

Our research extends beyond the distribution and processes associated with sinkhole formation to the broader subject of karst.

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BGS 3D Modelling

3D geology resources

3D geological models characterise the structure of the rocks and sediments in the subsurface, providing sophisticated tools for enhanced geological understanding.

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Built environment

Glasgow and the Clyde Basin — Clyde Urban Super Project (CUSP)

Glasgow, Scotland’s largest city, is built along the  upper Clyde estuary and lower River Clyde. Areas of central Glasgow form the national urban regeneration priority for Scotland over the next 25 years.

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National Geological Screening

Regional geological summaries

BGS have produced 13 summaries of the on-shore regional geology for England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

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