The BGS was founded in 1835 as the Ordnance Geological Survey. It became the Geological Survey of Great Britain and Ireland (1845–1906), then the Geological Survey of Great Britain (1906–1965), and the Institute of Geological Sciences (1965–1984), before being renamed the British Geological Survey.

Geological Map of Alderney made by Walther Klüpfel during the German Occupation of the Channel Islands. BGS © NERC
What do the archives hold?
- Administrative records of the BGS and its predecessors, covering UK operations.
- Administrative and scientific records of the BGS and its predecessors, covering overseas operations.
- Personal papers of BGS staff and other individuals associated with the BGS.
- Personal papers of individuals or groups in related fields.
The National Geological Repository is recognised as a Place of Deposit by The National Archives and maintains public records material including field records dating back to the early pioneers of field geology. In total, the archives contain approximately 40 000 items
Access the archives
Further information
Usual opening hours
Monday – Thursday: 09.00 to 17.00
Friday: 09.00 to 16.30
Please notify us in advance of your visit by emailing the BGS Archivist or phone 0115 936 3247.
If you wish to access any archival material, please contact BGS Enquiries to book a day to visit and to give time for staff to identify and retrieve the material you require.
Archive enquiries should normally be directed to the BGS Archivist at Keyworth.
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National Geological Repository
Hosting BGS’s collections of borehole cores, cuttings, samples, specimens, and related subsurface information from the UK landmass and continental shelf.