Government and agencies

About BGS — Our data and services

As a world-leading geoscience organisation, we provide independent and authoritative advice to the UK Government and the administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our geoscience data, information, knowledge and expertise support evidence-based policy development and decision making across the UK public sector.

BGS geologist working in front of Big Ben
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We advise and partner with national regulators and statutory bodies, and interact with local authorities across the UK. BGS © UKRI.

If you are interested in our public role, please visit the Government and policy page.

We provide technical advice to all areas of Government and the public sector on geoscience and its impact on Government and society. With a wealth of expertise across a broad range of geological disciplines, we can arrange this on a project-by-project basis or set up longer-term provision of advice whereby you can call on the BGS as and when you need us.

We also work in long-term partnerships and in responsive arrangements across the public sector in response to commissions to meet the specific needs of the individual organisations, including strategic overseas projects.

Recent projects

  • Mineral planning
  • Contaminated land

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About BGS

As the national geological survey, we are the UK’s premier provider of objective and authoritative scientific data, information and knowledge to help society understand our Earth.

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BGS core store

Our data and services

The BGS offers a range of services and information for businesses, home-owners, policymakers and the general public.

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