You can explore and download a range of free-to-view, BGS maps to help you explore the rocks around where you live or to learn more about geological time and climate change.
Browse our resources
Geology of Britain viewer
The Geology of Britain viewer is a simple tool, aimed at the general public, which helps you explore the geology where you live.
Make-a-map is an interactive geological map of the British Isles. It is intended for amateur geologists, students and teachers looking for an overview of the geology of the British Isles.
Colour-in geology map of the UK and Ireland
Are you puzzled by the Periods or do you have errors by your Eras? Did you know that two or more Periods comprise a geological Era? Two or more Eras form an Eon?
GeoUK and Ireland map
The UK and Ireland host a wide range of fascinating geology providing ‘secret’ walks through breathtaking scenery, literary inspiration, idyllic holiday destinations and the building materials for historic monuments.
3D geological models in Minecraft
Download our 3D geology models, as Minecraft worlds, and learn how geology can influence the landscape. We have built a number of different worlds, which will allow you to explore underground and learn about the rocks that lie beneath the surface.
BGS Geology 625k Dashboard
This tool illustrates the distribution of UK Bedrock Geology at a scale of 1:625,000. It allows you to explore the geology of the UK interactively, to learn more about the rock beneath your feet, when it was formed, by what processes and in what type of environment.
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Discovering Geology
Discovering Geology introduces a range of geoscience topics to school-age students and learners of all ages.
Maps and resources
Download and print free educational resources.