BGS Geophysical Tomography (GTom) provides leading-edge technology for non-invasive, geoelectrical imaging of the shallow subsurface.
The techniques (instrumentation, software and methodologies) developed by GTom are used to underpin studies in infrastructure monitoring, waste management, contaminated land remediation and the protection of groundwater and soils, as well as the detection and mitigation of natural hazards. Our PRIME technology permits complex earth systems and processes to be monitored remotely using permanent, in situ sensor networks and wireless telemetry.
Find out more about our research
Applications range from mineral exploration and waste management, to monitoring active processes within the subsurface, such as the movement of pollutants, or the flow of groundwater in unstable slopes affecting infrastructure.
Creating innovative technologies with in the field of geophysical and geotechnical monitoring.
Our projects
Waste management ALERT project
Thw Waste Management ALERT project aims to develop a non-invasive, 4D, electrical imaging system for automated time-lapse monitoring of landfill sites.
Contaminated land ALERT
Time-lapse geoelectrical imaging has the potential to produce volumetric, time-dependent maps of contaminant distributions for use in contaminated land remediation.
Studying soil moisture content via sensor networks to design the most efficient sample network.
PhD students and graduates
John Ball
‘Use of geophysics for the monitoring of earthen water retaining structures’
Jimmy Boyd
‘Coupled hydrogeophysical and geomechanical modelling of slope stability for improve early warning of landslides’
Jessica Holmes
‘The use of near-surface geophysical methods for assessing the condition of transport infrastructure’
Alex Priestley
‘Assimilation of geophysical data in snow hydrology modelling
Luke Sibbett
‘Early warning landslide events using computer vision and geophysical image analysis’
Adrian White
‘Seeing inside flood embankments – novel geophysical imaging approaches for assessing the health of safety-critical flood defence infrastructure’
Mihai Cimpoiasu
‘Combining geoelectrical imaging and X-ray computed tomography (CT) for improved hydraulic characterization of soils’
Paul McLachlan
‘Revealing hydrological and biogeochemical heterogeneity at the groundwater-surface water interface using geophysics’
Michael Tso
‘Enhancing information content in geophysical data for nuclear site characterisation’
Jim Whiteley
‘Geophysical indicators of slope stability: towards improved early warning of landslide hazards’
Related news
New BGS Chief Scientist for multi-hazards and resilience announced
Prof Jonathan Chambers has been appointed as the new BGS Chief Scientist for multi-hazards and resilience, effective from 1 June 2024.
Burrow-detecting devices could protect flood defences
BGS scientists have trialled a new way of detecting animal burrows in clay flood embankments.
Can geophysics help feed people in a changing climate?
Conservation agriculture and electrical resistivity tomography could help combat the factors affecting food security in southern Africa.
Back out in the field with Tromino
Steve Thorpe discusses returning to fieldwork after the COVID-19 pandemic and trying out the Tromino kit.
BGS to help further carbon dioxide monitoring research at Sutton Bonington
BGS is part of a research project that will consider the feasibility of using quantum gravity sensors to monitor carbon capture and storage sites.
Shallow geophysics
BGS are developing and using leading-edge technologies such as Geophysical Tomography to image the shallow subsurface.
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