Oliver Kuras

Dr Oliver Kuras

Senior research geophysicist
BGS Keyworth

Oliver Kuras’s Biography

  •  2001 – ongoing : Research Geophysicist, BGS
  •  2003 : PhD University of Nottingham, Environmental Geophysics
  •  1998 : Gas Technology Hub PhD Studentship Award
  •  1998 : MSc University of Göttingen (Germany), Physics


Research interests

  • Geoelectrical monitoring and observatories
  • Applications to cryospheric science and permafrost
  • Applications to nuclear decommissioning and containment monitoring
  • Capacitive Resistivity Imaging (CRI) – theory and instrumentation
  • Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) – theory and instrumentation

Current projects and collaborations

  •  2015 – ongoing : Principal Investigator: “Can geoelectrical imaging improve non-destructive evaluation of military assets?“, Ministry of Defence/Innovate UK.
  •  2009 –2015 : Principal Investigator: Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at Sellafield. Collaborators: Prof Andrew Binley, Lancaster Environment Centre; National Nuclear Laboratory. OJEU contract to Sellafield Ltd.
  •  2010 –2012 : Principal Investigator: “Monitoring the thermal state of permafrost by automated time-lapse capacitive resistivity imaging”, NERC grant NE/I000917/1 (Technology Proof of Concept). Co-Investigators: Dr Julian Murton, University of Sussex; Dr Michael Krautblatter, University of Bonn.
  •  2012 – ongoing : Collaborator: “Predicting Secular Changes in Arsenic Hazard in Circum-Himalayan Groundwaters“, NERC grant NE/J023833/1 awarded to Prof David Polya, University of Manchester. Hydrogeophysical characterisation of study site in Cambodia.


  • KURAS, O, WILKINSON, P B, MELDRUM, P I, OXBY, L, UHLEMANN, S, CHAMBERS, J E, BINLEY, A, GRAHAM, J, SMITH, N T, DEWEY, G, and ATHERTON, N. 2016. Geoelectrical monitoring of simulated subsurface leakage to support high-hazard nuclear decommissioning at the Sellafield Site, UK. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 566-567, 350-359. DOI:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.04.212
  • MURTON, J B, KURAS, O, KRAUTBLATTER, M, CANE, T, TSCHOFEN, D, UHLEMANN, S, SCHOBER, S, and WATSON, P. 2016. Monitoring rock freezing and thawing by novel geoelectrical and acoustic techniques. Journal of Geophysical Research – Earth Surface. DOI:10.1002/2016JF003948
  • UHLEMANN, S, and KURAS, O. 2014. Numerical Simulations of Capacitive Resistivity Imaging (CRI) Measurements, Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 12(4), 523-537. DOI: 10.3997/1873-0604.2014008
  • KURAS, O, WILKINSON, P, MELDRUM, P, OXBY, L, UHLEMANN, S, CHAMBERS, J, BINLEY, A, GRAHAM, J, DEWEY, G, and ATHERTON, N. 2014. A Trial of 4D Cross-Borehole Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT) for Detecting and Monitoring Subsurface Leakage and Contaminant Transport, Supporting the Decommissioning of Legacy Silos at the Sellafield Site, UK, in Waste Management Conference 2014, March 2 – 6, 2014, Paper #14161, WM Symposia, Phoenix, Arizona, USA.
  • KURAS, O, PRITCHARD, J D, MELDRUM, P I, CHAMBERS, J E, WILKINSON, P B, OGILVY, R D, and WEALTHALL, G P. 2009. Monitoring hydraulic processes with Automated time-Lapse Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ALERT). Comptes Rendus Geoscience – Special Issue on Hydrogeophysics, Vol. 341, 868-€“885.
  • KURAS, O, MELDRUM, P I, BEAMISH, D, OGILVY, R D, and LALA, D. 2007. Capacitive resistivity imaging with towed arrays. Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Vol. 12, 267-279.
  • KURAS, O, BEAMISH, D, MELDRUM, P I, and OGILVY, R D. 2006. Fundamentals of the capacitive resistivity technique. Geophysics, Vol. 71, G135-G152.

Published outputs


  • Near-surface geophysical methods
  • Geophysical theory and technique development
  • Electrical and electromagnetic tomographic imaging methodology
  • Geoscientific modelling and visualisation
  • Instrumentation, IT, telemetry

Professional associations

  • Board Member and Chair, Near-Surface Geoscience Division (NSGD), EAGE
  • Associate Editor, Near Surface Geophysics (EAGE)
  • Chartered Physicist (IoP)
  • Past Chair, Near-Surface Geophysics Group (NSGG) of the Geological Society
  • Reviewer for Geophysics, Geophysical Journal International, Vadose Zone Journal, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Near-Surface Geophysics, Science of the Total Environment, Swiss National Science Foundation, EAGE
  • Fellow of the Geological Society
  • Member of AGU, SEG, EAGE, DGG

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