Careers at BGS

About BGS — Working with us

There is a wide range of career opportunities open to graduates in relevant earth sciences, for example:

  • hydrocarbon or the mining and quarrying industries
  • civil engineering
  • Government and Government-supported scientific establishments
  • geological surveys
  • specialist geological consultants and research companies
  • teaching
careers at BGS
Information icon

There is a wide range of career opportunities open to geoscience graduates at BGS. BGS © UKRI.

BGS and NERC case studies

Geology career pathways

Choosing a career in earth science? Career Pathways, produced by the Geological Society of London in partnership with University Geoscience UK, focuses on the UK education system, university system and job market.

Geolsoc Career Pathways

Further information

Find out more about working with us

Daniela Cuba looking through microscope

Working at BGS

All BGS staff enjoy wide a range of benefits in addition to their salary with the aim of promoting a positive work–life balance.

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BGS geologists analysing data

Work experience

The BGS offers students the chance to work with our scientists and support staff to provide them with experience in the workplace.

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Working with us

Working with us

BGS is committed to being an employer of choice and strives to embrace a culture of inclusivity and flexibility.

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