Fluid and Rock Processes Laboratory Cluster

BGS Research — Science facilities

BGS Geomicrobiology laboratory

The Fluid and Rock Processes Laboratory Cluster does research to identify, measure and quantify the complex geological and environmental processes that are essential for the efficient utilisation of natural resources and underground spaces.

Our facilities include:

  • Geomicrobiology Laboratory
  • Hydrates and Ices Laboratory
  • Hydrothermal Laboratory
  • Transport Properties and Fracture Physics Research Laboratories

Find out more about our research facilities

Geomicrobiology laboratory

Geomicrobiology Laboratory

The Geomicrobiology Laboratory investigates microbiological processes associated with geological materials and how they impact on the environment.

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Hydrates and Ices Laboratory

The BGS Hydrate and Ices Laboratory is a specialised facility used to study the behaviour of gas hydrates within sediments.

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BGS Hydrothermal lab

Hydrothermal Laboratory

This laboratory is used to study chemical reactions between fluids and rocks under conditions found in the top few kilometres of the Earth’s crust.

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A piece of sandstone rock that has been sheard by pressure applied in a laboratory setting

Transport Properties and Fracture Physics Research Laboratories

Research in these laboratories focuses on understanding fluid (water, gas and solutes) movement and rock deformation in the subsurface.

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Need more information?

Contact the head of the Fluid and Rock Processes Cluster

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