The Centre for Environmental Geochemistry (CEG) focuses on the use of geochemistry in research, training and teaching. We investigate:
- environmental and climate change
- biogeochemical cycling including pollution typing/provenance
- science-based archaeology
- the use of geochemical tools for research into the subsurface
The centre has established collaborations with both the University of Nottingham and Heriot-Watt University.
Find out more about our research facilities
Dissolved Gases and Tracers Facility
We are the UK’s leading organisation for groundwater dating and tracing, using a wide range of environmental agents, equipment and capabilities.
Aquifer Properties Facility
We undertake specialised core characterisation on drillcore and rock chippings from borehole samples for a wide range of hydrogeological purposes.
Inorganic Geochemistry Facility
The Inorganic Geochemistry Facility provides high-quality analytical expertise and specialist services for the production and geochemical interpretation of inorganic data.
Stable Isotope Facility
We are the largest UK producer of stable isotope data, particularly specialising in climate, environmental and archaeological studies
Soil Physics Facility
Our facility provides a range of soil physical measurement services as well as complementary analyses to describe the degree to which soil organic matter is decomposed.
Organic Geochemistry Facility
We specialise in organic geochemical measurements at the bulk and molecular level in complex matrices, like rock, sediment, soil and water.
Need more information?
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My experience as an international PhD student visiting BGS
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