Citizen science

BGS Research

What is citizen science?

‘Citizen science’ is a term used for projects in which individual volunteers (or networks of volunteers), many of whom may have no specific scientific training, perform or manage research-related tasks such as observation, measurement or computation.

The use of citizen science networks often allows scientists to accomplish research objectives more readily than would otherwise be possible. In addition, these projects aim to promote public engagement with the research, as well as with science in general.

Terms and conditions

By uploading and depositing photos or materials, you, as depositor, do so on the understanding they may be used or re-used by others.

By depositing photos and materials you take full responsibility to:

  • ensure that they are owned by you (or you have permission to do so)
  • understand that liability regarding their use or re-use may lie with you as depositor

If there are doubts about ownership, check first before making a deposit on BGS Citizen Science sites.

BGS Citizen Science operates under the code of a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 3.0 Unported License.

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Image from BGS Geology of Britain Map

Digital geoscience

The BGS is a data-rich organisation. Our data science and data infrastructure are fundamental to our future research and underpin our strategic challenges.

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Large ash aggregate - halite and glass

Ash collection

In the event of an eruption in Iceland volcanic emissions may affect the UK. If they do, we need you to collect observations and samples to help us learn about the nature of the eruption.

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Pathways to Action

The ‘Pathways to Action’ project aims to characterise flows of communication within and between communities to help reduce multi-hazard risk.

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Our projects

Aldbrough Coastal Landslide Observatory.

Report a landslide

The landslides team at the BGS records the landslides of Great Britain. Please tell us about any British landslides you may have seen on TV, heard about on the radio or read in newspapers, etc. Perhaps you have been affected in some way or seen a landslide happen yourself?

Report online

Have you felt an earthquake?

A short questionnaire to record what people experienced during an earthquake. It helps us quickly gather a large volume of information that supports instrumental data and may give vital information about the level of shaking to emergency services.

Visit the online form
UKSO viewer

UK Soil Obsevatory

The UK Soil Observatory is a collaboration of institutions providing and delivering information about the diverse soil types of the UK.

Geo Social


More and more people are looking to social media as additional, more immediate sources of information.

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Citizen science for multi-hazards and disaster risk reduction

We are using citizen science for people to develop a shared understanding of hazardous phenomena and for communities to contribute to hazard forecasting and early warning.

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Large ash aggregate - halite and glass

Ash collection

In the event of an eruption in Iceland volcanic emissions may affect the UK. If they do, we need you to collect observations and samples to help us learn about the nature of the eruption.

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