As a world-leading geoscience organisation, we provide independent and authoritative advice to the UK Government and the devolved administrations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our geoscience data, information, knowledge and expertise support evidence-based policy development and decision making across the UK public sector.

We work in a wide variety of ways with departments in central and the devolved governments. We advise and partner with national regulators and statutory bodies and interact with local authorities across the UK. Where appropriate, we also provide advice and information to our elected representatives and their committees, at all levels of government.
Our interaction with the UK policy community occurs at different levels, on different topics over different timescales. For example:
- as previous members of the Scientific Advisory Group on Emergencies (SAGE), BGS scientists provide expert and timely advice during national emergencies
- we provide impartial technical information and expertise to inform debate and decisions in spatial planning for the sustainable management of energy, water, minerals and waste
- we contribute to understanding of national risk through our long-term monitoring of earthquakes, groundwater and material security of supply
- Emergency response
- Ad hoc briefings
- Membership of working groups and committees
- Consultation responses
- Science briefing papers on policy relevant topics
- Factsheets and technical guidance
- Commissioned work
- Secondments and placements
The Geospatial Commission (GC) is an expert committee established to maximise accessibility to geospatial data. The GC has a close relationship with six core partner bodies: the BGS is one of these, along with the Mining Remediation Authority, HM Land Registry, Ordnance Survey, UK Hydrographic Office and the Valuation Office Agency. We work with the GC to improve the quality of key, publicly held data along with making it easier to access and use.
The BGS has corporate policy positions on a range of geoscience topics. The science briefing papers allow BGS scientists to reflect and communicate their science in a succinct way to other experts, policymakers and the public.
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Science briefing papers
BGS has corporate policy positions on a range of geoscience topics. The science briefing papers allow BGS scientists to reflect and communicate their science in a succinct way to other experts, policymakers and the public.
BGS policy statements

BGS responds to Government’s ambitious Ten Point Plan for net zero transition
BGS has welcomed the Government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution which highlights the importance of geology and the ongoing need to support essential geoscientific research that will underpin the UK’s long term energy transition.

Landslides triggered by Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis in the UK
On Sunday 9 February 2020, Storm Ciara hit the UK with very high winds and intense rainfall causing widespread disruption and flooding.

Joint statement on UK Geoenergy Observatories open data
The UK Geoenergy Observatories will be world-leading research facilities, opening up our understanding of the world beneath our feet as never before.

A long, hard look underground is required to reach net zero, say experts
The only way the UK can reach its target of net zero emissions by 2050 is by taking a better look below the surface, say experts from BGS and geologists from across the UK.

UK 2024 Criticality Assessment published
The latest UK Criticality Assessment, produced by the UK Critical Minerals Intelligence Centre, shows that growing diversification brings an increasing vulnerability in terms of disruption to supply.

New community launched to support effective management of the subsurface
The initiative aims to increase knowledge exchange on subsurface issues between interested parties involved in subsurface policy and planning.

BGS scientist announced as Scottish Government policy fellow
BGS geohazard scientist Roxana Ciurean has been named amongst new policy fellows for the Scottish Government.

Evidence report on deep geothermal energy opportunities in the UK released
BGS has published a detailed evidence report that underpins a deep geothermal White Paper.

Evolving policies in the face of climate change: BGS data can help
Climate change is increasingly recognised as a major challenge for organisations, with the need for adaptation driving a wave of policy updates and reforms across multiple sectors. BGS data holdings are relevant to many of these changes and the following examples outline how these data packages can be applied.

Dr Corinna Abesser appointed BGS Policy Director
Dr Abesser will be supporting BGS staff in the translation of their science outputs to inform policy and regulation as well as advising senior management on policy-related issues.

Deep-sea mining evidence review published
The deep-sea mining independent evidence review report was commissioned by the UK Government to inform its policy in relation to deep-sea mining.

Evidence Week 2021
Representatives from BGS took part in Evidence Week 2021 to talk to parliamentarians about unlocking the potential of geothermal energy in the UK.

Evidence Week 2020
The UK Geoenergy Observatories team took part in Evidence Week 2020 to talk to parliamentarians about the essential role of geoenergy in the energy mix to meet net zero.

BGS responds to Government’s ambitious Ten Point Plan for net zero transition
BGS has welcomed the Government’s Ten Point Plan for a Green Industrial Revolution which highlights the importance of geology and the ongoing need to support essential geoscientific research that will underpin the UK’s long term energy transition.