Paul Wilkinson’s Biography
- 2004 – ongoing : Theoretical Research Geophysicist, BGS
- 2000 –2003 : EPSRC Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Nottingham, School of Physics and Astronomy
- 1998 –2000 : Postdoctoral Research Assistant, University of Nottingham, School of Physics and Astronomy
- 1997 –1998 : Physicist, Ultra Electronics Magnetics Division
- 1993 –1997 : PhD, University of Nottingham, Theoretical Physics
- 1990 –1993 : BSc (Hons), University of Birmingham, Physics
Research interests
- Application of automated geoelectrical monitoring to landslide processes, leak detection, embankment stability, contaminated land remediation, and saline intrusion.
- Development of 2D/3D/4D geoelectrical data-processing and inversion algorithms (including electrical resistivity, induced polarisation and self-potential)
- Geophysical inversion with moving sensors
- Time-lapse automated survey design
- Tomographic image optimisation.
Current projects and collaborations
- 2018 –2022 : Supervisor: Geophysical monitoring of the integrity of water-retaining earth structures. With Dr Jonathan Chambers (BGS) and Prof Andy Binley (Lancaster University).
- 2018 –2022 : Supervisor: Quantum-enabled Magnetic Induction Tomography for Geophysical Surveys (PhD project). With Dr Jonathan Chambers (BGS) and Prof Mark Fromhold (University of Nottingham).
- 2017 –2021 : Supervisor: Coupled hydrogeophysical and geomechanical modelling of slope stability for improved early warning of landslides (PhD project). With Dr Jonathan Chambers (BGS) and Prof Andy Binley (Lancaster University).
- 2015 –2019 : Supervisor: Early warning of landslide events using computer vision and geophysical image analysis (PhD project). With Dr Jonathan Chambers (BGS) and Dr Li Bai (University of Nottingham).
NERC Open Research Archive — Dr Paul Wilkinson
Key papers
- 2018 : BOYLE, A., WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., MELDRUM, P.I., UHLEMANN, S. and ADLER, A. 2018. Jointly reconstructing ground motion and resistivity for ERT-based slope stability monitoring. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 212, 1167-1182
- 2018 : UHLEMANN, S, WILKINSON, P.B., MAURER, H., WAGNER, F., JOHNSON, T.C. and CHAMBERS, J.E. 2018, Optimized survey design for electrical resistivity tomography: combined optimization of measurement configuration and electrode placement. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 214, 108-121.
- 2017 : LOKE, M.H., WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., and MELDRUM, P.I. 2017. Rapid inversion of data from 2D resistivity surveys with electrode displacements. Geophysical Prospecting, doi: 10.1111/1365-2478.12522.
- 2017 : TSO, C-H.M, KURAS, O, WILKINSON, P.B., UHLEMANN, S., CHAMBERS, J.E., MELDRUM, P.I., GRAHAM, J., SHERLOCK, E.F., and BINLEY, A. 2017. Improved characterisation and modelling of measurement errors in electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) surveys. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 146, 103-119.
- 2017 : UHLEMANN, S., CHAMBERS, J.E., WILKINSON, P.B., MAURER, H., MERRITT, A., MELDRUM, P.I., KURAS, O., GUNN, D.A., SMITH, A., and DIJKSTRA, T.A. 2017. Four-dimensional imaging of moisture dynamics during landslide reactivation. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, Vol. 122, 398-418.
- 2016 : WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., UHLEMANN, S., MELDRUM, P.I., SMITH, A., DIXON, N., and LOKE, M.H. 2016. Reconstruction of landslide movements by inversion of 4-D electrical resistivity tomography monitoring data. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 43, 1166-1174.
- 2016 : KURAS, O., WILKINSON, P.B., MELDRUM, P.I., OXBY, L.S., UHLEMANN, S., CHAMBERS, J.E., BINLEY, A., GRAHAM, J., SMITH, N.T., and ATHERTON, N. 2016. Geoelectrical monitoring of simulated subsurface leakage to support high-hazard nuclear decommissioning at the Sellafield Site, UK. Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 566-567, 350-359.
- 2016 : WARD, W.O.C., WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., NILSSON, H., KURAS, O., and BAI, L. 2016. Tracking tracer motion in a 4-D electrical resistivity tomography experiment. Water Resources Research, doi:10.1002/2015WR017958
- 2015 : WILKINSON, P.B., UHLEMANN, S., MELDRUM, P.I., CHAMBERS, J.E., CARRIÈRE, S., OXBY, L.S., and LOKE, M.H. 2015. Adaptive time-lapse optimized survey design for electrical resistivity tomography monitoring. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 203, 755-766.
- 2015 : WILKINSON, P.B., UHLEMANN, S., CHAMBERS, J.E., MELDRUM, P.I., and LOKE, M.H. 2015. Development and testing of displacement inversion to track electrode movements on 3-D electrical resistivity tomography monitoring grids. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 200, 1566-1581.
- 2015 : LOKE, M.H., WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., UHLEMANN, S.S., and SORENSON, J.P.R. 2015. Optimized arrays for 2-D resistivity survey lines with a large number of electrodes. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 112, 136-146.
- 2015 : UHLEMANN, S., WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., MAURER, H., MERRITT, A.J., GUNN, D.A., and MELDRUM, P.I., 2015. Interpolation of landslide movements to improve the accuracy of 4D geoelectrical monitoring. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 121, 93-105.
- 2014 : CHAMBERS, J.E., WILKINSON, P.B., UHLEMANN, S., SORENSEN, J.P.R., ROBERTS, C., NEWELL, A.J., WARD, W., BINLEY, A., WILLIAMS, P.J., GOODDY, D.C., OLD, G., and BAI, L. 2014. Derivation of lowland riparian wetland deposit architecture using geophysical image analysis and interface detection. Water Resources Research, Vol. 50, 5886–5905.
- 2014 : CHAMBERS, J.E., GUNN, D.A., WILKINSON, P.B., MELDRUM, P.I., HASLAM, E., HOLYOAKE, S., KIRKHAM, M., KURAS, O., MERRITT, A., and WRAGG, J. 2014. 4D Electrical Resistivity Tomography monitoring of soil moisture dynamics in an operational railway embankment. Near Surface Geophysics, Vol. 12, 61-72.
- 2014 : GLENDINNING, S., HUGHES, P., HELM, P., CHAMBERS, J., MENDES, J., GUNN, D., WILKINSON, P., and UHLEMANN, S. 2014. Construction, management and maintenance of embankments used for road and rail infrastructure: implications of weather induced pore water pressures. Acta Geotechnica, Vol. 9, 799-815.
- 2014 : GUNN, D.A., CHAMBERS, J.C., UHLEMANN, S., WILKINSON, P.B., MELDRUM, P.I., DIJKSTRA, T.A., HASLAM, E., KIRKHAM, M., WRAGG, J., HOLYOAKE, S., HUGHES, P.N., HEN-JONES, R., and GLENDINNING, S. 2014. Moisture monitoring in clay embankments using electrical resistivity tomography. Construction and Building Materials, doi: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2014.06.007.
- 2014 : LOKE, M.H., WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., and STRUTT, M. 2014. Optimized arrays for 2-D cross-borehole electrical tomography surveys. Geophysical Prospecting, Vol. 62, 172-189.
- 2014 : LOKE, M.H., WILKINSON, P.B., UHLEMANN, S.S., CHAMBERS, J.E., and OXBY, L.S. 2014. Computation of optimized arrays for 3-D electrical imaging surveys. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 199, 1751-1764.
- 2014 : MERRITT, A.J., CHAMBERS, J.E., MURPHY, W., WILKINSON, P.B., WEST, L.J., GUNN, D.A., MELDRUM, P.I., KIRKHAM, M., and DIXON, N. 2014. 3D ground model development for an active landslide in Lias mudrocks using geophysical, remote sensing and geotechnical methods. Landslides, Vol. 11, 537-550.
- 2014 : WARD, W.O.C., WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., OXBY, L.S., and BAI, L. 2014. Distribution-based fuzzy clustering of Electrical Resistivity Tomography images for interface detection. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 197, 310-321.
- 2013 : CHAMBERS, J.E., WILKINSON, P.B., PENN, S., MELDRUM, P.I., KURAS, O., LOKE, M.H., and GUNN, D.A. 2013. River terrace sand and gravel deposit reserve estimation using three dimensional electrical resistivity tomography for bedrock surface detection. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 93, 25-32.
- 2013 : GUNN, D.A., CHAMBERS, J.E., HOBBS, P., FORD, J., WILKINSON, P.B., and JENKINS, G. 2013. Rapid observations to guide the design of systems for long-term monitoring of a complex landslide in the Upper Lias, North Yorkshire. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Vol. 46, 323-336.
- 2013 : LOKE, M.H., CHAMBERS, J.E., RUCKER, D.F., KURAS, O., and WILKINSON, P.B.,, 2013. Recent developments in the direct-current geoelectrical imaging method. Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 95, 135-156.
- 2012 : WILKINSON, P.B., LOKE, M.H., MELDRUM, P.I., CHAMBERS, J.E., KURAS, O., GUNN, D.A., and OGILVY, R.D., 2012. Practical aspects of applied optimized survey design for electrical resistivity tomography. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 189, 428-440.
- 2012 : CHAMBERS, J.E., WILKINSON, P.B., WARDROP, D., HAMEED, A., HILL, I., JEFFREY, C., LOKE, M.H., MELDRUM, P.I., KURAS, O., CAVE, M., and GUNN, D.A. 2012. Bedrock detection beneath river terrace deposits using three-dimensional electrical resistivity tomography. Geomorphology, Vol. 177-178, 17-25.
- 2010 : WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., MELDRUM, P.I., GUNN, D.A., OGILVY, R.D., and KURAS O., 2010. Predicting the movements of permanently installed electrodes on an active landslide using time-lapse geoelectrical resistivity data only. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 183, 543-556.
- 2010 : WILKINSON, P.B., MELDRUM, P.I., KURAS, O., CHAMBERS, J.E., HOLYOAKE, S.J., and OGILVY, R.D. 2010. High-resolution Electrical Resistivity Tomography monitoring of a tracer test in a confined aquifer. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2010, Vol. 70, 268-276.
- 2010 : LOKE, M.H, WILKINSON, P.B., and CHAMBERS, J.E. 2010. Parallel computation of optimized arrays for 2-D electrical imaging surveys. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 183, 1302-1315.
- 2008 : WILKINSON, P.B., CHAMBERS, J.E., LELLIOTT, M., WEALTHALL P., and OGILVY, R.D. 2008. Extreme sensitivity of crosshole electrical resistivity tomography measurements to geometric errors. Geophysical Journal International, 2008, Vol. 173, 49-62.
- 2006 : WILKINSON, P.B., MELDRUM, P.I., CHAMBERS, J.E., KURAS, O. and OGILVY, R.D. 2006. Improved strategies for the automatic selection of optimized sets of Electrical Resistivity Tomography measurement configurations. Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 167, 1119-112.
- Algorithm development
- Geophysical tomography, modelling and visualisation
- Near-surface geophysical methods
- Scientific computing
Professional associations
- 2016 –2021 : Adjunct Research Professor, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
- 2005 – ongoing : Reviewer for Geophysical Journal International, Geophysics, Journal of Applied Geophysics, Near Surface Geophysics, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Computers & Geosciences
- 1999 – ongoing : Chartered Physicist
- 1995 – ongoing : Member of the Institute of Physics
Boards and committees
- 2015 –2019 : BGS representative, UK National Quantum Technology Hub in Sensors and Metrology, Application and Technology Exploitation (ATEP) panel