BGS news

New BGS Chief Scientist for multi-hazards and resilience announced

Prof Jonathan Chambers has been appointed as the new BGS Chief Scientist for multi-hazards and resilience, effective from 1 June 2024.

09/05/2024 By BGS Press
Professor Jonathan Chambers. BGS © UKRI.
Professor Jonathan Chambers. BGS © UKRI.

BGS’s multi-hazards and resilience (MHR) science challenge area engages with partners in the UK and internationally to support communities, governments and industry in building resilience to hazardous events. Jonathan will oversee the delivery of fundamental scientific research into risk mitigation and adaption to geological and associated environmental hazards through improved characterisation, monitoring, forecasting and information delivery.

Based at the BGS Headquarters in Keyworth, Nottingham, but working across all BGS sites, this role involves leadership of around 100 scientific and technical staff. One of Jonathan’s first tasks will be to work alongside other members of the BGS Senior Management Board and Science Strategy Group to implement and deliver the new BGS Business Plan.

Jonathan is an engineering geophysicist with more than 25 years of experience in subsurface imaging and monitoring. His recent research has focused on geohazard characterisation, landslide early warning and the development of innovative technologies for assessing environmental impacts on critical infrastructure, including risks associated with cascading hazards. He has a strong focus on innovation and the translation of research findings into tangible benefits for stakeholders in industry, academia and government.

Jonathan currently leads the BGS Shallow Geohazards and Earth Observation capability, which comprises the geodesy and remote sensing, engineering geology, environmental and engineering geophysics and coasts and estuaries teams, as well as the BGS Research and Development Workshop Facility. He is also a UKRI Individual Merit Promotion scientist.

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I am delighted to be taking on the role of BGS Chief Scientist for multi-hazards and resilience. BGS has a crucial role to play in the efforts to enhance societal resilience to geohazards and multi-hazards in the UK and internationally. I am very excited for this new opportunity to work with my colleagues and partners to deliver cutting-edge research, real-world solutions and geoscientific knowledge to support policy and decision makers for the wider public good.

Prof Jonathan Chambers.

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On behalf of BGS and the BGS Board, we are thrilled to welcome Jonathan into this important role.  His proven track record in shallow hazards research and his expertise in providing solutions for societal resilience to geohazards and multi-hazards in the UK and internationally will be paramount in supporting and delivering the BGS Strategy and Business Plan.

Dr Karen Hanghøj, BGS Director.

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