Philip Meldrum

Senior research engineer
BGS Keyworth

Philip Meldrum’s Biography

  •  1988 – ongoing : Geophysical tomography team, Geoscience Technologies group, British Geological Survey
  •  1987 : BEng (Hons), Nottingham Trent Polytechnic, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Research interests

  • Development and application of electrical imaging methods, Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Self-Potential tomography (SPT), Induced Polarisation tomography (IPT) applied to Geohazards GTom
  • Wireless Sensor Networks Development and application to temporal monitoring of ground processes SENSORS
  • Geohazards landslide investigation and monitoring ALARMS
  • Temporal monitoring: non-invasive 4D imaging of contaminant transport, saline intrusion in coastal aquifers, and unsaturated (vadose) zone processes

Current projects and collaborations

  • Tecnical lead: ‘Proactive infrastructure monitoring and evaluation (PRIME): Development and application of a new low cost, high accuracy electrical resistivity tomography system for remotely monitoring the internal condition of geotechnical infrastructure assets’. RCUK, Innovate UK.
  • Project Leader: ‘SENSORnet: Development and application of wireless senor technologies’including downstream management and visualisation of real-time data. BGS, NERC. SENSORnet
  • Collaboration with Prof. Neil Dixon, Dept. Civil Engineering, Loughborough University into the Assessment of Landslides using Acoustic Real-time Monitoring Systems ALARMS


  • 4D electrical resistivity tomography monitoring of soil moisture dynamics in an operational railway embankment. 2014. JE Chambers, DA Gunn, PB Wilkinson, PI Meldrum, E Haslam. Near Surface Geophysics 12 (1), 61-72
  • Geoelectrical monitoring of simulated subsurface leakage to support high-hazard nuclear decommissioning at the Sellafield Site, UK. O Kuras, PB Wilkinson, PI Meldrum, LS Oxby, S Uhlemann, JE Chambers. Science of the Total Environment 566, 350-359
  • Dixon N, Smith A, Spriggs MP, Ridley A, Meldrum P and Haslam E (2015) Stability monitoring of a rail slope using acoustic emission. Geotechnical Engineering 168 (5), 373-384
  • High-resolution electrical resistivity tomography monitoring of a tracer test in a confined aquifer. 2010. PB Wilkinson, PI Meldrum, O Kuras, JE Chambers, SJ Holyoake. Journal of Applied Geophysics 70 (4), 268-276
  • Geophysical-geotechnical sensor networks for landslide monitoring. 2011. Chambers, Jonathan; Meldrum, Philip; Gunn, David; Wilkinson, Paul; Merritt, Andrew; Murphy, William; West, Jared; Kuras, Oliver; Haslam, Edward; Hobbs, Peter; Pennington, Catherine; Munro, Chris. In: 2nd World Landslide Forum, Rome, Italy, 3-9 Oct 2011.
  • Automated monitoring of coastal aquifers with electrical resistivity tomography. 2009. RD Ogilvy, PI Meldrum, O Kuras, PB Wilkinson, JE Chambers, M Sen. Near Surface Geophysics 7 (5-6), 367-375

Published outputs


  • Development of Near surface geoelectrical methods (PRIME, SENSORnet, ALERT, ALARMS, CRI, PERMACRI.)
  • R&D Instrumentation & sensor networks applied to remote environmental monitoring, including downstream management of data SENSORnet

Professional associations

  • 1996 – ongoing : European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE), Member

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