BGS Geology: onshore digital geological map of Great Britain data

BGS Datasets

The BGS Geology datasets are digital geological maps of Great Britain based on the different series of published BGS geological maps. We currently offer digital data at four key scales:

The larger-scale maps provide detail for site-specific use; the medium- to small-scale maps provide national coverage. Ongoing revisions from our survey activities are updated on a regular basis.

Datasets and scales

BGS Geology 10k

Our most detailed dataset is provided at 1:10 000 scale. This digital geological data is based on BGS’s highest-resolution survey mapping. Many urban centres and transport routes are covered by this dataset. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature is updated to current usage.

BGS Geology 50k

This generalised digital geological data is based on BGS’s 1:50 000 and 1:63 360-scale maps. Covering almost all of Great Britain, it provides a detailed local to regional description of geology and underpins many of our national map services and products. Lithostratigraphic nomenclature is updated to current usage.

BGS Geology 250k

This generalised digital geological data is based on our 1:250 000-scale, bedrock-only maps. Data and lithostratigraphic re-classifications are derived from maps published between 1977 and 1993.

BGS Geology 625k

This generalised digital geological dataset is based on our published ‘poster’ maps of the UK (north and south). This dataset covers all of Great Britain and includes additional map data from Northern Ireland. It provides an excellent national overview of the UK’s geology and is commonly used as a teaching resource.

Datasets Scale Use Artificial ground Mass move-ment Super-ficial deposits Bedrock geology Linear features
BGS Geology 10k1:10 000DetailedYesYesYesYesYes
BGS Geology 50k1:50 000LocalYesYesYesYesYes
BGS Geology 250k1:250 000RegionalNoNoNoYesYes
BGS Geology 625k1:625 000NationalNoNoYesYesYes

BGS Geology information downloads

BGS Geology 625k data downloads

BGS Geology sample downloads

Sample data ESRI MapInfo
BGS Geology 10k103 KB153 KB
BGS Geology 50k 26 KB
BGS Geology 250k421 KB3.98 KB


These samples are provided for evaluation purposes so the user can assess their content and suitability for intended uses.

Terms of use

This data is made available under the Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced BGS materials: ‘Contains British Geological Survey materials © UKRI [year]’.

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