Key information
5 km hex grid (approx. 1:5 000 000)Coverage:
Great BritainAvailability:
GIS polygon data (ESRI).Price:
Free for commercial, research and public use under the Open Government Licence. Please acknowledge the material
National-level useGet Data
Free access
Our free data is available under the Open Government Licence. Please acknowledge reproduced BGS materials.
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The BGS GeoSure 5 km hex grid datasets provide a generalised overview of the susceptibility to six naturally occurring geohazards in Great Britain. The hexagon grid provides a national-scale summary of the GeoSure data product. The detailed GeoSure dataset is also available to licence and provides further detail at a scale of 1:50 000.
The 5 km hex grid data has been generalised into a vector map of interlocking hexagon cells (a side length of 5 km), with an area approximately 65 km2. There are three classes included within the data: low, moderate and significant.
The six layers of data provided are as follows:
Download GeoSure hex grid – GIS (shapefile format)
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The BGS GeoSure datasets identify areas of potential hazard and, therefore, potential natural ground movement, in Great Britain.