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1:50 000Coverage:
Great BritainAvailability:
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Database tables and GIS polygon data (ESRI, MapInfo, others available by request)Price:
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The BGS GeoSure insurance product gives an index-level assessment of the potential for a geological deposit to create financial insurance loss due to natural ground movement.
It incorporates the combined effects of the six BGS GeoSure hazards on (low-rise) buildings and links these to a postcode database (the derived postcode database). This database contains a normalised hazard rating for each of the six BGS GeoSure themes hazards (i.e. each BGS GeoSure theme has been balanced against each other) and a combined unified hazard rating for each postcode in Great Britain.
A series of geographical information system (GIS) maps show the most significant hazard areas. The ground movement, or subsidence, hazards included are:
- landslides
- shrink-swell clays
- soluble rocks
- running sands
- compressible deposits
- collapsible deposits

BGS GeoSure insurance product sample. BGS © UKRI. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database rights 2011. BGS OS licence no. 1000221290/2011.

BGS GeoSure insurance product coverage. BGS © UKRI – Contains OS data © Crown copyright 2020.
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BGS GeoSure
The BGS GeoSure datasets identify areas of potential hazard and, therefore, potential natural ground movement, in Great Britain.