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27 results for "data products"

BGS Groundwater Flooding Susceptibility: helping mitigate one of the UK’s most costly hazards
Groundwater flooding accounts for an estimated £530 million in damages per year; geoscientific data can help to minimise its impact.

Spotlight on BGS coastal erosion data
BGS GeoCoast data can support researchers and practitioners facing coastal erosion adaptation challenges along our coastline.

BGS announces collaboration with Ordnance Survey
Ordnance Survey and BGS have teamed up to add a range of geological data products to the OS Data Hub, making it easier for users to access and use geospatial data.

BGS data product licence fees to rise
New direct licence fees to be introduced from 1 April 2024.

Evolving policies in the face of climate change: BGS data can help
Climate change is increasingly recognised as a major challenge for organisations, with the need for adaptation driving a wave of policy updates and reforms across multiple sectors. BGS data holdings are relevant to many of these changes and the following examples outline how these data packages can be applied.

Six BGS datasets for assessing shrink–swell subsidence hazards
Shrink–swell subsidence is one of the most significant geological hazards affecting the UK. BGS has six datasets to help assess the problem.

Introducing the BGS Debris Flow Susceptibility Model for Great Britain
Debris flows are a landslide hazard of particular concern to transport infrastructure managers and local authorities.

BGS GeoScour: bridging the river erosion data gap
The geological properties of bedrock and superficial deposits that make up riverbeds and banks are fundamental controls on the susceptibility of any given river reach to scouring.