News and events


Murrayfield Stadium located in Edinburgh, Scotland - © Thomas Feige /
BGS news

Quake it off: Taylor Swift concerts shake Edinburgh


Seismometers around Edinburgh were triggered by the rapturous Murrayfield crowds over the weekend.

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Visitors taking part in the demonstration in BGS’s conference suit. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news

BGS opens its doors to visitors at its Open Day in Keyworth


BGS hosted its bi-annual Open Day on 8 June 2024, welcoming more than 1000 visitors to its headquarters in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire.

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BGS events

BGS Open Day 2024

Event on 08/06/2024

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Sophia and Job at BGS conducting specialist analysis of Pu in soils.
BGS blogs

Harnessing global collaboration: UK/Kenya partnership in soil erosion research 


Collaboration between scientists is vital in today's interconnected world to further scientific progress. In environmental research, issues such as soil erosion demand collaboration on an international scale. 

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Volcan_Nyiragongo. Dgmuham, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons
BGS blogs
Spaceborne data: an expanding role in disaster response


Alessandro Novellino explains the importance of Earth observation to help facilitate successful emergency responses after natural hazard occurrences.

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BGS Data -
BGS news
BGS Digital data review 2021–22


BGS is seeking a comprehensive understanding of the data ecosystem in which we operate, providing a detailed assessment of our current operating models and the options for our target operating model over the next 10 years.

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A wom,an pumping water from a public well in a street
Research highlight
Improving water security in the Philippines


Water supplies in parts of the Philippines are frequently scarce and supplies are often shut down. Intermittent water supply in parts of the country presents serious consequences to health.

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Sonic core drilling in the Olaroz Salar, Argentina.
BGS blogs
Lithium: a critical raw material for our journey to net zero


Understanding the geology and natural resources of lithium will be vital as demand is forecast to significantly increase.

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BGS preparing fluid samples for noble gas testing at the Geoenergy Test Bed (GTB) Sutton Bonington BGS © UKRI 2020
BGS news
BGS part of successful Energy Research Accelerator to put Midlands region on the road to net zero


The consortium of internationally-recognised research institutions will bring together expertise in energy research to help the UK to meet its ambitious net zero targets

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BGS blogs
Expedition Rockall: 50 years on


Dick Merriman, former BGS geologist, recounts his experience 50 years ago as part of a team to land on Rockall, a small, uninhabited islet in the Atlantic Ocean.

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Geothermal energy podcast
BGS Podcasts
Geothermal energy podcast


In this episode we discuss the future of geothermal energy in the UK with Corinna Abesser, Gareth Farr and David Boon.

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'Intensities within’. ©Nicole Manley, 2017
BGS news
BGS announced as Midlothian Climate Beacon partner for COP26


The National Mining Museum Scotland, in partnership with the British Geological Survey, has been selected as the Midlothian Climate Beacon for COP26.

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