News and events


Technical reports released by BGS. BGS © UKRI
BGS news

8,000 technical reports released by BGS


BGS’s National Geoscience Data Centre has released more than 8,000 technical reports produced between 1950 to 2000 on its website.

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Hemerdon mine, Devon. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news

UK Minerals Yearbook 2023 now available to download


The latest edition provides essential information about the production, consumption and trade of UK minerals up to 2022.

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BGS events

BGS Open Day 2024

Event on 08/06/2024

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Sophia and Job at BGS conducting specialist analysis of Pu in soils.
BGS blogs

Harnessing global collaboration: UK/Kenya partnership in soil erosion research 


Collaboration between scientists is vital in today's interconnected world to further scientific progress. In environmental research, issues such as soil erosion demand collaboration on an international scale. 

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solar panel array at BGS Core Store
BGS news
Core Store solar project supports BGS net zero targets


A large new solar panel array on the roof of the BGS Core Store is expected to result in a significant reduction in our carbon footprint.

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Sample map view of earthquakes recorded during hydraulic fracturing at the Preston New Road unconventional shale gas site. BGS © UKRI
BGS news
Scientists test a new model to understand and forecast seismicity induced by hydraulic fracturing operations


Encouraging new research could bring scientists a step closer to being able to forecast earthquakes induced by human activity.

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BGS Podcast - Critical Raw Materials
BGS Podcasts
Critical raw materials podcast


In this episode we discuss critical raw materials and the crucial role they will play as we move to a low-to-zero carbon economy

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A pool of blue-green water surrounded by a pillared walkway made of yellow rock
Research highlight
Unlocking the deep geothermal energy potential of the Carboniferous Limestone Supergroup


How understanding the subsurface beneath our towns and cities may allow us to access geothermal energy for heating homes and powering the UK.

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People on the steps at Regent's Canal, Granary Square, King's Cross, London. Source: VVShots/iStock 2020.
BGS news
BGS collaborates on new £1 million EPSRC-funded digital research project to help make urban growth more sustainable


Novel research to develop a digital service for future water management and support efforts to make urban growth more sustainable.

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A view of the Chew Bahir lake in southern Ethiopia showing a current dry period. Photo by Julian Ruddock.
BGS blogs
Climate change and human migration out of Africa


An international team of scientists have shown how climate change could have enabled the migration of Homo sapiens around 60 000 years ago.

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Volcan_Nyiragongo. Dgmuham, CC BY-SA 3.0,, via Wikimedia Commons
BGS blogs
Spaceborne data: an expanding role in disaster response


Alessandro Novellino explains the importance of Earth observation to help facilitate successful emergency responses after natural hazard occurrences.

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BGS Data -
BGS news
BGS Digital data review 2021–22


BGS is seeking a comprehensive understanding of the data ecosystem in which we operate, providing a detailed assessment of our current operating models and the options for our target operating model over the next 10 years.

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