Insurance lenders

BGS Climate Change Products

Ferniehill, Gilmerton, Edinburgh. Limestone mine subsidence event, BGS © UKRI.

The insurance and mortgage sectors are concerned with the changing risks to their portfolios from geohazards including:

  • subsidence
  • landslides
  • coastal erosion
  • groundwater flooding

The Bank of England’s climate-related stress testing for insurers and mortgage providers has further emphasised the potential impact that climate change might have on these sectors.

Consideration of spatial and temporal climate change impact-related variability is important for these areas and is closely tied to available data resolution. There is also variability across the sectors in the importance of the timescales over which changes may occur. For example, mortgage lenders may be more interested in the 25+ year term compared to sectors focusing on annual renewals.

Changes in how these sectors conduct business are increasingly driven by regulatory changes. Consideration of these different drivers is fundamental to how BGS can focus future development of climate change datasets to support them. The ability to provide information to support these areas is again subject to the resolution of data available and the projections that are subsequently drawn.

Relevant BGS data products


GeoClimate UKCP09 and UKCP18

BGS has developed a suite of products, including maps and data, which show potential change in subsidence due to UKCP climate change scenarios

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GeoCoast inundation potential under UKCP18 climate scenarios. BGS © UKRI — contains OS data © Crown Copyright 2022.

GeoCoast Premium

GeoCoast is an integrated GIS package of datasets designed to inform and support coastal management and adaptation.

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Depth to groundwater

BGS GeoScour Premium

The BGS GeoScour datasets provide a generalised overview of the natural characteristics and properties of catchment and riverine environments for the assessment of river scour in Great Britain.

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GeoSure insurance product

GeoSure insurance product

This product provides an index-level assessment of the potential for financial insurance loss due to natural ground movement.

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Non Coal Mining Sample

Mining hazard (not including coal) coverage

The mining hazard dataset provides essential information for planners and developers building in areas of former shallow underground mine workings.

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Property subsidence assessment

Property subsidence assessment

The BGS property subsidence assessment dataset uses a combination of best available geology, tree location and property information to provide property- and postcode-specific information on ground movement across England and Wales.

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