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8 results for "geomorphology"

Moving stones: faults, slopes and sediments
Fractured rock along faults affects sediment movement on slopes with implications for the design of infrastructure.

What lies beneath Loch Lomond?
BGS geoscientists have visualised what lies beneath the waves of Loch Lomond, revealing an image of the loch bed and various sedimentary features of the subsurface.

Five places in Yorkshire to assess key geological hazards
A field trip to Yorkshire has helped our data products team improve their output.

Notes from an applied glacial geology field course in Norfolk
Marine geoscientist Catriona MacDonald and urban geologist Raushan Arnhardt share their experiences from a recent trip to north Norfolk to learn more about glacial geology.

The Parallel Roads of Glen Roy
The mysterious Parallel Roads of Glen Roy have attracted visitors for hundreds of years – but how did they form?

Project findings provide essential insight into the last British–Irish ice sheet
Understanding more about the north-west European continental shelf and improving forecasting for the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets.

Geology and cycling: the rocks behind the race
The UK’s biggest and most prestigious bike race would not be what it is today, without a nod to the humble rock.

Binny Craig, West Lothian
Binny Craig is possibly West Lothian’s most prominent natural landmark. The craggy knoll, formed from an igneous intrusion, offers spectacular views from the summit.