News and events


Landslide aftermath. © Timo Volz, Unsplash
BGS news

Studying multi-hazards from space


A new European Space Agency-funded project will study the effect earthquakes have on occurrences of other natural hazards in the long-term.

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Scottish river in low flow. © Paul Glendell
BGS news

Warnings for Scottish farmers and distillers as new data indicates climate change may double number of droughts


The agricultural and distilling sectors could face significant challenges after research finds the number of droughts in Scotland may double in the next 25 years.

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BGS events

BGS Open Day 2024

Event on 08/06/2024

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Nine people in two groups (four to the left; five to the right) standing on grey rocks with brown cliffs behind them.
BGS blogs

The heat beneath our feet: BGS field visit to Tuscan geothermal systems


BGS visits the active and fossilised geothermal systems of southern Tuscany, Italy.

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2024 Mine Water Energy Symposium - 24 to 26 April 2024
BGS events
2024 Mine Water Energy Symposium

Event from 24/04/2024 to 26/04/2024

Now in its fourth year, the 2024 Mine Water Energy Symposium will be held in person for the first time in April 2024, with online streaming functionality.

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IGRF-13 map of declination angle (in degrees east or west of true north) for 2020. © UKRI
BGS news
BGS leads update to maps of the Earth’s magnetic field


The International Geomagnetic Reference Field, used for navigation on mobile phones and in space, is updated every five years.

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River Clyde, Glasgow. © Glasgow Life, Paul Watt Photography
BGS news
UK bidding to host the International Geological Congress 2028


BGS has partnered with the Geological Society of London and the Scottish Geology Trust to develop a bid to host the 38th International Geological Congress in Glasgow in 2028.

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BGS staff sampling a chalk spring for microplastics in 2024. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
BGS to lead a new research project on microplastic occurrence in springs


BGS has been awarded a two-year research project to undertake the first assessment of microplastic occurrence in springs in the UK.

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Breaking ground ceremony. L to R: Sami Massum (BGS), David Boon (BGS), Councillor Rob Inglis, Michelle Bentham, (BGS), Mark Thorpe (Pick Everard), Ross Goodband (Pick Everard), Ruth Edwards MP, Daniel Crow (BGS), Gershwyn Soanes (BGS), Andrew McConnochie (BGS), Mike Potter (NERC), James Howell (NERC) and Edward Leddy-Owen. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
Local MP helps BGS launch a ‘living laboratory’  


BGS is implementing a low-carbon heating system to help meet its net zero targets and provide data to the public.

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IODP Expedition 389 science party members, including BGS's Margaret Stewart (second from right), discussing cores. Marley Parker @ ECORD_IODP.
BGS news
Scientists produce first record of environmental data off coast of Hawai’i


An international team of researchers, including BGS geoscientists, have succeeded in acquiring a continuous record of environmental data using fossilised coral from Hawai’i.

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A white man with brown hair and eyes smiling at the camera
BGS news
New BGS Board member


New non-executive director appointed to the BGS Board.

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Debris flow susceptibility model GlenCoe. Contains Ordnance Survey data © Crown Copyright and database rights 2022.
BGS news
BGS data product licence fees to rise


New direct licence fees to be introduced from 1 April 2024.

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