News and events


Liverpool and Warrington on the BGS GeoIndex Onshore tool. BGS © UKRI
BGS news

What lies beneath Liverpool?


The geological secrets lying under the surface of Liverpool and Warrington have been unveiled for the first time on a new 3D interactive tool.

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Aerial view of the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Cheshire, located in the University of Chester’s Thornton Science Park. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news

World-class facility creates new opportunities for geothermal energy in Cheshire


The £8.3 million underground observatory will enhance the UK’s knowledge on the clean energy required to decarbonise heating.

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BGS events

BGS Open Day 2024

Event on 08/06/2024

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A woman in a lab coat, gloves and goggles uses a pipette to add some liquid to a container
BGS blogs

Exploring the role of stable isotope geochemistry in nuclear forensics


Paulina Baranowska introduces her PhD research investigating the use of oxygen isotopes as a nuclear forensic signature.

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Visitors taking part in the demonstration in BGS’s conference suit. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
BGS opens its doors to visitors at its Open Day in Keyworth


BGS hosted its bi-annual Open Day on 8 June 2024, welcoming more than 1000 visitors to its headquarters in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire.

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Geologists at St Cyrus Beach. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
BGS to update geological maps of Strathmore


A three-year project has begun to revise geological maps of Strathmore, which were last surveyed nearly 100 years ago.

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Technical reports released by BGS. BGS © UKRI
BGS news
BGS’s National Geoscience Data Centre releases over 8000 technical reports


The technical reports, covering the full spectrum of BGS activities and subjects, were produced between 1950 and 2000.

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Hemerdon mine, Devon. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
UK Minerals Yearbook 2023 now available to download


The latest edition provides essential information about the production, consumption and trade of UK minerals up to 2022.

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Sophia and Job at BGS conducting specialist analysis of Pu in soils.
BGS blogs
Harnessing global collaboration: UK/Kenya partnership in soil erosion research 


Collaboration between scientists is vital in today's interconnected world to further scientific progress. In environmental research, issues such as soil erosion demand collaboration on an international scale. 

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Map showing rock type and lithology
BGS news
BGS announces collaboration with Ordnance Survey


Ordnance Survey and BGS have teamed up to add a range of geological data products to the OS Data Hub, making it easier for users to access and use geospatial data.

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Working with us
BGS news
2024 BGS summer placements scheme


BGS is offering a six-week placement scheme for early-year students in a geography, earth science or environmental sciences degree.

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BGS news
Over 600 mineral exploration project reports now available through the UK Critical Minerals Intelligence Centre


All 662 reports from the Mineral Exploration and Investigation Grants Act programme are now available on the Critical Minerals Intelligence Centre website.

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