News and events


Jonathan Ford
BGS news

BGS announces new director of BGS National Geoscience


BGS announces its new director of BGS National Geoscience.

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Machine learning algorithms track the evolving seismicity crisis on the island of Santorini in Greece (Segou et al., in prep.). As expected, machine learning earthquake detection uncovers 10 times more earthquakes (in red) than standard seismic catalogues from the National Observatory of Athens (in grey). This is the first high-resolution image of the complex volcanic/seismic system (30 November 2024 to 8 February 2025). Prepared by Margarita Segou, Rajat Choudhary, Wayne Shelley, Foteini Dervisi and Brian Baptie. BGS © UKRI 2025.
BGS news

Artificial intelligence is proving a game changer in tracking the Santorini earthquake swarm


Scientists are harnessing the power of machine learning to help residents and tourists by detecting thousands of seismic events.

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Fieldwork setting up the Abergavenny geomagnetic repeat station BGS © UKRI.
BGS events

NERC Tech Forum 2025

Event on 03/06/2025

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Exposures of thick Deccan Trap basalt sequences from Mahabaleshwar, India. Rocks such as these have been proposed as potential storage reservoirs for disposal of CO2 in India due to their reactive mineral components that allow for trapping of CO2 in solid mineral form. BGS © UKRI
BGS blogs

Could underground disposal of carbon dioxide help to reduce India’s emissions?


BGS geologists have partnered with research institutes in India to explore the potential for carbon capture and storage, with an emphasis on storage.

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Andy McKenzie presenting at the groundwater education event. BGS © UKRI.
BGS blogs
Island groundwater management in the Philippines: part two — Bacolod


In the second part of their Philippines update, BGS’s Andy Barkwith and Andy McKenzie meet up with other BGS staff members to continue their outreach work.

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Dr Marie Cowan
BGS news
Dr Marie Cowan awarded the Energy Group Medal by the Geological Society


This award is presented annually to individuals with a geoscience background who have made an outstanding contribution to the energy industry.

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Exterior image of the James Hutton Building, BGS Keyworth. BGS © UKRI
BGS news
BGS appoints new members to Science Advisory Committee


Four new members’ three-year terms begin in June 2023.

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Mine water discharge
BGS blogs
Collaboration, progress and emerging themes in mine-water heating, cooling and storage


BGS, the Coal Authority and IEA Geothermal held the third Mine Water Energy Symposium to enhance collaboration and knowledge exchange around the world.

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BGS Strategy 2023 to 2028
BGS events
BGS Virtual Strategy Launch – Understanding our Earth

Event on 23/05/2023

Join us online to learn more about our new BGS strategy 2023 to 2028 - Understanding our Earth

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A woman carrying a notebook examines a piece of rock core
BGS news
AGS file utilities tool: production release


BGS’s online tool for validating AGS files against the official AGS data format rules and its own NGDC data submission requirements goes live.

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Argyllshire sheet 84, solid and drift, 1:10 560, 1914. BGS © UKRI
BGS news
BGS releases 10K maps through updated maps portal


BGS releases an updated maps portal, which allows users to view all publicly available maps, and includes 10 000 and 1:10 560 scale maps for the first time.

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BGS news
BGS maps out priorities with five-year strategy


BGS publishes its new strategy for 2023 to 2028, 'Understanding our Earth'.

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