News and events


Illustration showing use of the urban subsurface
BGS news

New community launched to support effective management of the subsurface


The initiative aims to increase knowledge exchange on subsurface issues between interested parties involved in subsurface policy and planning.

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Small cores of soil were collected across 25 different cities from open areas such as parks and gardens. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news

40 years and counting: new topsoil data provides most extensive snapshot of environmental pollution effects


Scientists have uncovered clear signs of the impact environmental pollution is having across the country’s soil.

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BGS events

BGS Open Day 2024

Event on 08/06/2024

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Left to right: Andrew Finlayson (BGS); Sigurður Ingi Friðleifsson (Orkustofnun); Steinunn Hauksdóttir (ÍSOR); Ögmundur Erlendsson (ÍSOR); Anett Blischke (ÍSOR); Árni Magnússon (ÍSOR); Dr Bryony Mathew (British Ambassador to Iceland); Duncan Stevens (BGS); Molly Lewis (Second Secretary, British Embassy); Nicola Dakin (BGS), and Dayton Dove (BGS). BGS © UKRI.
BGS blogs

BGS collaborates with Icelandic colleagues to assess windfarm suitability 


Iceland’s offshore geology, geomorphology and climate present all the elements required for renewable energy resources.

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A dry, hot, flat desert with a lake and white salt flats in the foreground and mountains in the background.
BGS blogs
Responsible extraction in South America’s Lithium Triangle


A BGS team visited Argentina and Chile to investigate how to extract lithium more responsibly in the face of growing worldwide demand.

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Landslide aftermath. © Timo Volz, Unsplash
BGS news
Studying multi-hazards from space


A new European Space Agency-funded project will study the effect earthquakes have on occurrences of other natural hazards in the long-term.

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Scottish river in low flow. © Paul Glendell
BGS news
Warnings for Scottish farmers and distillers as new data indicates climate change may double number of droughts


The agricultural and distilling sectors could face significant challenges after research finds the number of droughts in Scotland may double in the next 25 years.

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Coastal Erosion at Skipsea on the East Yorkshire Coast. © Matthew J Thomas / iStockphoto
Research highlight
Spotlight on BGS coastal erosion data


BGS GeoCoast data can support researchers and practitioners facing coastal erosion adaptation challenges along our coastline.

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The Lembang fault crosses the northern parts of Bandung city in Indonesia. BGS © UKRI.
Research highlight
Nearly three million people in Indonesia’s second city could be affected by an earthquake


BGS-led research reveals the number of people in the Bandung metropolitan region who could be exposed to a major earthquake.

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North Sea Transition Authority
BGS news
National Hydrocarbons Data Archive files now accessible through the National Data Repository


Offshore well and survey information held within BGS’s archive have now been transferred to the North Sea Transition Authority’s National Data Repository to enable greater access.

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Pale cliffs above a flat grassy area with ivy and trees growing across some of them. There are several, large and small caves in the cliffs.
Research highlight
Creswell Crags Museum collections offer insight into the past and future of wolves


Bones found at the site are helping scientists to understand the diet of wolves and how they differ over time.

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Seabed geomorphology from part of the central area of the Offshore East Anglia seabed map. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
New research reveals the secrets of the seabed off the East Anglian coast


New geological map will help in the hunt for new renewable energy opportunities whilst protecting delicate marine ecosystems.

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