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Athena SWAN Silver Accreditation
BGS news

BGS awarded Athena SWAN Silver status


BGS are delighted to have been awarded Athena SWAN Silver status in recognition of our ongoing commitment to gender equality

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Hemerdon mine, Devon. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news

BGS makes significant advance in mineral data accessibility


A new public application programming interface for the BGS World Mineral Statistics Database will revolutionise how users interact with critical data.

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Private photo taken of Lagoon at Rutland Water.
BGS blogs

Studying oxygen isotopes in sediments from Rutland Water Nature Reserve


Chris Bengt visited Rutland Water as part of a project to determine human impact and environmental change in lake sediments.

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Dry River Pang, Hampstead Norreys, Berkshire, during the drought of 2022. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
BGS publication included in Environment Agency’s review of drought in the UK


A BGS essay on groundwater and drought has been included in the Environment Agency’s review of the research and scientific understanding of drought.

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Landslide in Seatown, Dorset. © James Loveridge
BGS news
BGS receives award at the World Landslide Forum 2023


BGS's landslide team has been designated a World Centre of Excellence on landslide risk reduction by the International Consortium on Landslides.

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Monitoring storm water runoff in the catchment using autosamplers to gather information on the isotopic and chemical composition of the river waters, and how this changes across the catchment depending on land use. © Leo Peskett / Heriot Watt
BGS news
Natural flood management: is geology more important than trees?


Looking at innovative ways of creating resilience to flooding hazards with natural flood management.

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CMIC conference. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
First annual Critical Mineral Intelligence Centre conference takes place


The conference took place at BGS’s headquarters in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire, on 21 November 2023.

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Geothermal evidence report, titled ‘Evidence report supporting the deep geothermal energy White Paper: the case for deep geothermal energy – unlocking investment at scale in the UK.’ BGS © UKRI.
BGS news
Evidence report on deep geothermal energy opportunities in the UK released


BGS has published a detailed evidence report that underpins a deep geothermal White Paper.

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Sophia Dowell, PhD student at BGS, conducting her research in Kenya. BGS © UKRI.
Research highlight
The optimisation of plutonium separation


BGS research leads to advancements in the detection of plutonium and ultimately the determination of soil erosion rates in tropical soils.

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Mount Millar. Dr Teal Riley, BAS © UKRI.
BGS news
Antarctic mountain named in honour of BGS scientist


BGS’s Ian Millar has been honoured for his geological research in Antarctica by having a mountain on the continent named after him.

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Extract from Offshore Yorkshire map showing folded and faulted Redcar Mudstone Formation with marine muds, sands and gravels. Bathymetry data acquired by the MCA © Crown Copyright 2022
BGS news
Industry-leading data sharing partnership announced


A data sharing partnership has been agreed between BGS and Ossian, allowing BGS to advance its knowledge of the rock and soil conditions under the seabed.

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