BGS news

Work complete on 1000 solar panels at BGS

More than 1000 energy-saving solar panels have been installed at BGS's headquarters in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire.

07/12/2022 By BGS Press
Cars parked in a car park beneath open-sided structures (car ports) with roofs covered in solar panels. The sky is bright, with big fluffy clouds.
The solar powered car port in the main car park at BGS's headquarters in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire. BGS © UKRI.

The new solar car port array in the 3980 m2 car park, which has been installed in the BGS grounds just off Nicker Hill in Keyworth, was approved by Rushcliffe Borough Council in 2020. It follows additional work approved by Rushcliffe Borough Council to install more than 1751 solar panels on the site’s National Geological Repository, which is home to the largest collection of rock core samples in the UK.

Solar panels are now in place on a 3100 m2 area of the car port’s roof and are set to generate 589 165 kwh of electricity annually, saving an estimated 305 776 kg of carbon each year. They are designed to boost energy efficiency and offset an increase in electrical usage, which is required in the organisation’s transition away from burning fossil fuels.  The output generated at the port will be around 469.2 kWp (kilowatts peak) and 100 per cent of the electricity will be used on site. The car port is expected to provide a significant proportion of the energy needs for the site for at least 25 years, significantly reducing carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.

BGS accessed the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme to install its solar car ports. The work forms part of BGS’s new environmental sustainability strategy, which aims to achieve zero carbon by 2040 across three core areas of the organisation: its estates, working practices and business travel.

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As a leading research organisation, we know that the work we undertake and how we support it has an impact on the environment. We’re working very hard to understand this impact so that we can minimise our footprint and transition to being a more sustainable organisation.

We’re lucky to have a headquarters based in such a beautiful area of the East Midlands, so we’re very pleased to be installing the most environmentally friendly modern technologies on our sites.

Generating our own electricity via solar energy means that, as an organisation, we’ll be emitting less CO2 into the atmosphere, reducing our carbon footprint and increasing our sustainability credentials.’

Daniel Crow, BGS Estates Manager.

BGS provides independent geoscientific data, information and knowledge to help the UK manage its natural resources and respond to environmental change. Its work contributes to finding sustainable solutions that will help the UK to reduce its carbon footprint and safeguard the planet. 

Work has already begun at the Keyworth site to increase the number of trees and shrubs, reduce grass cutting and implement new meadow areas and orchards to encourage wildlife. Further works are planned for the coming months.

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We found the Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme easy and friendly to use and we’re now looking forward to carrying out further exciting works in our energy transition, including ground source heating, thermal property improvement and use of modern controls.

Daniel Crow, BGS Estates Manager.

For media enquiries please contact Hannah Pole, BGS press office: | 07565297132


British Geological Survey (BGS)

The British Geological Survey (BGS) is a world-leading applied geoscience research centre that is part of UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) and affiliated to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The BGS works with more than 150 private sector organisations, has close links to 40 universities and sponsors about 100 PhD students each year. Please see

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