Relative topics
11 results for "renewable energy"

Seabed geology data: results from stakeholder consultation
BGS collected valuable stakeholder feedback as part of a new Crown Estate-led initiative to improve understanding of national-scale seabed geology requirements.

BGS collaborates with Icelandic colleagues to assess windfarm suitability
Iceland’s offshore geology, geomorphology and climate present all the elements required for renewable energy resources.

Responsible extraction in South America’s Lithium Triangle
A BGS team visited Argentina and Chile to investigate how to extract lithium more responsibly in the face of growing worldwide demand.

New research reveals the secrets of the seabed off the East Anglian coast
New geological map will help in the hunt for new renewable energy opportunities whilst protecting delicate marine ecosystems.

BGS awarded research grant to support potential offshore wind development in Iceland
BGS has been awarded the NERC-Arctic grant for a collaboration project with Iceland GeoSurvey.

Industry-leading data sharing partnership announced
A data sharing partnership has been agreed between BGS and Ossian, allowing BGS to advance its knowledge of the rock and soil conditions under the seabed.

Work complete on 1000 solar panels at BGS
More than 1000 energy-saving solar panels have been installed at BGS's headquarters in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire.

Major research project will support UK’s energy transition
BGS will lead the new research project 'Managing the Environmental Sustainability of the Offshore Energy Transition'.