News and events


Jonathan Ford
BGS news

BGS announces new director of BGS National Geoscience


BGS announces its new director of BGS National Geoscience.

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Machine learning algorithms track the evolving seismicity crisis on the island of Santorini in Greece (Segou et al., in prep.). As expected, machine learning earthquake detection uncovers 10 times more earthquakes (in red) than standard seismic catalogues from the National Observatory of Athens (in grey). This is the first high-resolution image of the complex volcanic/seismic system (30 November 2024 to 8 February 2025). Prepared by Margarita Segou, Rajat Choudhary, Wayne Shelley, Foteini Dervisi and Brian Baptie. BGS © UKRI 2025.
BGS news

Artificial intelligence is proving a game changer in tracking the Santorini earthquake swarm


Scientists are harnessing the power of machine learning to help residents and tourists by detecting thousands of seismic events.

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Fieldwork setting up the Abergavenny geomagnetic repeat station BGS © UKRI.
BGS events

NERC Tech Forum 2025

Event on 03/06/2025

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Exposures of thick Deccan Trap basalt sequences from Mahabaleshwar, India. Rocks such as these have been proposed as potential storage reservoirs for disposal of CO2 in India due to their reactive mineral components that allow for trapping of CO2 in solid mineral form. BGS © UKRI
BGS blogs

Could underground disposal of carbon dioxide help to reduce India’s emissions?


BGS geologists have partnered with research institutes in India to explore the potential for carbon capture and storage, with an emphasis on storage.

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Stalked Ascidean - image by Atlantic Productions
BGS news
Scientists reveal extraordinary ecosystems in the deepest part of the Indian Ocean


New technology has enabled marine scientists to capture some of the world’s first images of previously unexplored habitats in the deepest point of the Indian Ocean.

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An atlantic salmon attempting to jump up a waterfall in the Scottish Highlands, on a journey to spawning grounds.
BGS news
Climate change and human exploitation linked to historic decline in Atlantic salmon


New research reveals that both a change in climate and human exploitation played a role in a decline in North Atlantic salmon populations.

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Nine BGS staff members standing and crouching around the new bug palace, which is made out of wooden pallets and logs, sticks, grass, stones and bricks in a pile.
BGS blogs
Staff sustainability practices around BGS


BGS recently made time for employees at our sites around the UK to spend a few hours on projects focusing on increasing sustainability, both in their offices and in the local area.

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Two white women are looking at a small cherry tree sapling held up by the woman on the left
BGS news
Positively blooming: Japanese flowering cherry trees planted at BGS Keyworth to mark the Queen’s platinum jubilee


The walkway of eight trees has been planted in the grounds of BGS headquarters in Keyworth to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II's 70 years on the throne.

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EGU Austria 2022
BGS news
BGS to join worldwide geoscience community at EGU General Assembly 2022


The EGU General Assembly 2022 brings together geoscientists from all over the world for one meeting from 23 to 27 May.

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BGS blogs
Mining hazard data (not including coal) from BGS


Great Britain has over 250 000 documented mining sites and the underground voids resulting from past mining activity pose a possible hazard. Knowledge of the distribution of former mining areas will help us to plan for future development and ongoing maintenance.

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Bismuth (synthetic form). © BGS / UKRI
BGS news
New publication shows geological supply of bismuth is greater than previously understood


A new publication highlights the wide-ranging geological availability of bismuth, a critical raw material that has historically been overlooked in academic research.

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BGS Open Day 2022
BGS events
BGS Open Day 2022

Event on 25/06/2022

Join us for a FREE day of science and discovery as we explore the fascinating world beneath our feet!

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