News and events


Jonathan Ford
BGS news

BGS announces new director of BGS National Geoscience


BGS announces its new director of BGS National Geoscience.

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Machine learning algorithms track the evolving seismicity crisis on the island of Santorini in Greece (Segou et al., in prep.). As expected, machine learning earthquake detection uncovers 10 times more earthquakes (in red) than standard seismic catalogues from the National Observatory of Athens (in grey). This is the first high-resolution image of the complex volcanic/seismic system (30 November 2024 to 8 February 2025). Prepared by Margarita Segou, Rajat Choudhary, Wayne Shelley, Foteini Dervisi and Brian Baptie. BGS © UKRI 2025.
BGS news

Artificial intelligence is proving a game changer in tracking the Santorini earthquake swarm


Scientists are harnessing the power of machine learning to help residents and tourists by detecting thousands of seismic events.

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Fieldwork setting up the Abergavenny geomagnetic repeat station BGS © UKRI.
BGS events

NERC Tech Forum 2025

Event on 03/06/2025

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Exposures of thick Deccan Trap basalt sequences from Mahabaleshwar, India. Rocks such as these have been proposed as potential storage reservoirs for disposal of CO2 in India due to their reactive mineral components that allow for trapping of CO2 in solid mineral form. BGS © UKRI
BGS blogs

Could underground disposal of carbon dioxide help to reduce India’s emissions?


BGS geologists have partnered with research institutes in India to explore the potential for carbon capture and storage, with an emphasis on storage.

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BGS news
Identifying the science challenges for UK carbon storage


A new report underlines importance of community engagement in achieving the UK national climate change targets.

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Mineral specimen of linarite, Leadhills, Lanarkshire. P521533
BGS news
UK’s Critical Minerals Intelligence Centre to help build a more resilient economy


The UK’s new centre to collect and analyse information on the supply of critical minerals, which are vital to the UK’s economic success and national security, has officially launched.

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broad backed chaser dragonfly at BGS Keywort
BGS blogs
The importance of biodiversity in achieving net zero


Protecting the natural world is an important component in achieving net zero.

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BGS Geology Viewer for mobile and desktop
BGS news
BGS launches new Geology Viewer


A new app providing easy access to the subsurface of Britain has been released by BGS.

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Overview of the 3D alkaline-silicate geomodel showing a surface caldera, and a series of mafic staging chambers.
Research highlight
New 3D model will help guide exploration for rare earth element deposits in alkaline igneous systems


A team of scientists and institutions across Europe have developed a new 3D geological model designed to guide exploration for rare earth elements.

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A hydrocarbon drilling platform rises above the surface of the sea. There are offshore wind turbines in the background.
BGS news
Major research project will support UK’s energy transition


BGS will lead the new research project 'Managing the Environmental Sustainability of the Offshore Energy Transition'.

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Darjeeling Hills, India
Research highlight
Developing regional-scale landslide forecasting in hazard-prone regions of India


BGS has been involved in co-developing a prototype regional-scale landslide forecasting system in two hazard-prone districts of India.

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Mineral section.
BGS blogs
Working at BGS as a postgraduate intern


Katie Williams, an environmental geochemistry masters student, shares her experience following a work placement in the Stable Isotope Facility.

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