News and events


Murrayfield Stadium located in Edinburgh, Scotland - © Thomas Feige /
BGS news

Quake it off: Taylor Swift concerts shake Edinburgh


Seismometers around Edinburgh were triggered by the rapturous Murrayfield crowds over the weekend.

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Visitors taking part in the demonstration in BGS’s conference suit. BGS © UKRI.
BGS news

BGS opens its doors to visitors at its Open Day in Keyworth


BGS hosted its bi-annual Open Day on 8 June 2024, welcoming more than 1000 visitors to its headquarters in Keyworth, Nottinghamshire.

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BGS events

BGS Open Day 2024

Event on 08/06/2024

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Sophia and Job at BGS conducting specialist analysis of Pu in soils.
BGS blogs

Harnessing global collaboration: UK/Kenya partnership in soil erosion research 


Collaboration between scientists is vital in today's interconnected world to further scientific progress. In environmental research, issues such as soil erosion demand collaboration on an international scale. 

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An aerial view ofn industrial sute with large sheds, roads, a railway etc. in a site within woodland
BGS news
UK Minerals Yearbook 2021 available to download


The UK Minerals Yearbook 2021 provides essential information about the production, consumption and trade of UK minerals up to 2020.

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Alternating limestones and shales of Porthkerry Formation (Jurassic). Dunraven. BGS © UKRI
BGS news
BGS releases first in a series of new offshore maps of the UK seabed 


BGS has released the first high-resolution, offshore map in a new series featuring the seabed around the UK.

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Flamborough Head - iStock
BGS news
New BGS datasets for coastal management, planning and adaptation in the face of climate change


BGS GeoCoast is a package of geospatial datasets designed to provide information on the geological conditions and constraints around the coastline of Britain.

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Projected annual use of stored groundwater in Africa
BGS news
World Water Day 2022


Groundwater: how BGS is helping to make the invisible visible

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Pouring drinking water from a well in Mozambique
BGS news
BGS and WaterAid publish new research on groundwater resilience


Most African countries have enough groundwater reserves to face at least five years of drought, new research reveals

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People in hi-vis vests and hard hats stood in front of layered, folded rocks
BGS news
‘Significant opportunity’ for engineering geologists to increase influence on global sustainable development


Engineering geologists have an essential role to play in meeting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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BGS launches geoenergy exhibition at Glasgow Science Centre
BGS news
Clean Energy Beneath Our Feet launches at Glasgow Science Centre


A new interactive exhibition has launched at Glasgow Science Centre, inspired by the work of the UK Geoenergy Observatories.

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Michelle Bentham BGS
BGS news
Michelle Bentham appointed BGS Chief Scientist for Decarbonisation and Resource Management


Michelle is a geoscientist, with over 20 years of experience in the field of energy decarbonisation at BGS, with a focus on Carbon Capture and Storage.

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