BGS events

BGS Stakeholder Event 2022

A recording of the British Geological Survey Stakeholder Event 2022 is now available to view online.

Event on 31/03/2022
BGS Stakeholder Event 2022
The BGS Stakeholder event was held at Burlington House in London.

The BGS Stakeholder Event 2022 was held on Thursday 31 March in London. Our latest Annual Report is available to download and a recording of the event is now available to view below.

Geoscience knowledge and expertise and the in-depth understanding of the subsurface are critical in supporting the global energy transition and in meeting the UK’s net zero targets. We are in a privileged position to contribute to these challenges.

At our stakeholder event we opened up a conversation on the development of our new strategy, which will encompass our science, research and organisational vision and mission. In partnership with our BGS Board Chair, Sir Keith O’Nions, we also facilitated open discussions on key topics in geological science and research areas.

Thank you for your participation, feedback and input into our future direction as a world-leading geological survey.

If you would like to contribute towards the development of our new strategy then please e-mail to express a note of interest.

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