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52 results for "landslides"

BGS receives award at the World Landslide Forum 2023
BGS's landslide team has been designated a World Centre of Excellence on landslide risk reduction by the International Consortium on Landslides.

Below the bonnie banks: mapping Loch Lomond’s underwater landslides
Using high-resolution, multibeam bathymetry and shallow seismic imaging, BGS’s marine geoscience and landslides teams are mapping historic landslides under the waters of Loch Lomond.

Five places in Yorkshire to assess key geological hazards
A field trip to Yorkshire has helped our data products team improve their output.

Introducing the BGS Debris Flow Susceptibility Model for Great Britain
Debris flows are a landslide hazard of particular concern to transport infrastructure managers and local authorities.

Citizen science: become part of a real-time Global Landslide Detector
BGS and partners are trialling a new social media tool that detects worldwide landslides in real time.

Increased risk to the public from rockfalls as a result of the forecasted heatwave
Take notice of warning signs and avoid going directly under or on top of cliffs, no matter how tempting it might be.

Developing regional-scale landslide forecasting in hazard-prone regions of India
BGS has been involved in co-developing a prototype regional-scale landslide forecasting system in two hazard-prone districts of India.