Marine geoscience data

BGS Data — National Geoscience Data Centre

The BGS manages marine data, information and material as part of the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC), the Marine Environment Data and Information Network (MEDIN) geology data archive centre (DAC) and the National Geological Repository (NGR). 

Geological, geophysical and environmental data on the seabed and sub-seabed is used to underpin the marine geoscience undertaken by the BGS and the wider user community in the UK and beyond. The data is used for a range of purposes, including the creation of BGS products such as the marine geoscience and seabed geology datasets.

Data is freely available online (where possible) under OpenGeoscience and the Open Government Licence. However, some data are not yet processed for online delivery and in these cases there may be a charge to cover data preparation. You can also deposit data with us.

Find out more about our work

GeoIndex Offshore

GeoIndex (offshore)

The offshore GeoIndex shows the range of marine geoscience data held by the BGS within the National Geoscience Data Centre (NGDC).

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MEDIN Data Archive Centre

MEDIN Data Archive Centre

The BGS is the accredited Marine Environment Data and Information Network data archive centre for geology, geophysics and backscatter data.

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SEA data portal

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) data portal

Free access to available information and reports which have been produced through the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) SEA process.

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Maritime and Coastguard Agency Civil Hydrography Programme sediment samples

The National Geological Repository at BGS stores material from samples which are routinely collected from the seabed during Civil Hydrography Programme (CHP) Hydrographic Instruction (HI) surveys.

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BGS White Ribbon boat on the Firth of Forth

Sea floor: marine geoscience

Providing independent and expert geological advice, research and data acquisition to anyone working in the marine environment.

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Further information

Need more information?

For general NGR and NGDC enquiries or to arrange a visit, please phone 0115 936 3143 or contact our enquiries team

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MEDIN Data Archive Centre

MEDIN Data Archive Centre

The BGS is the accredited Marine Environment Data and Information Network data archive centre for geology, geophysics and backscatter data.

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