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6 results for "remote sensing"

Studying multi-hazards from space
A new European Space Agency-funded project will study the effect earthquakes have on occurrences of other natural hazards in the long-term.

Nearly three million people in Indonesia’s second city could be affected by an earthquake
BGS-led research reveals the number of people in the Bandung metropolitan region who could be exposed to a major earthquake.

Can geophysics help feed people in a changing climate?
Conservation agriculture and electrical resistivity tomography could help combat the factors affecting food security in southern Africa.

Spaceborne data: an expanding role in disaster response
Alessandro Novellino explains the importance of Earth observation to help facilitate successful emergency responses after natural hazard occurrences.

BGS joins international research into robotic revolution
International research illustrates the opportunities and challenges that robots and autonomous systems, could bring for urban biodiversity and ecosystems in the future.

BGS data supports new tool to track geological changes in abandoned coal mines
BGS data supports new tool to track geological changes in abandoned coal mines.