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10 results for "europe"

Artificial intelligence is proving a game changer in tracking the Santorini earthquake swarm
Scientists are harnessing the power of machine learning to help residents and tourists by detecting thousands of seismic events.

BGS collaborates with Icelandic colleagues to assess windfarm suitability
Iceland’s offshore geology, geomorphology and climate present all the elements required for renewable energy resources.

Extracting formation temperatures from stalagmites
BGS’s Andrew Smith explores the karstic depressions of northern Spain in the quest to create a palaeothermometer.

The heat beneath our feet: BGS field visit to Tuscan geothermal systems
BGS visits the active and fossilised geothermal systems of southern Tuscany, Italy.

BGS awarded research grant to support potential offshore wind development in Iceland
BGS has been awarded the NERC-Arctic grant for a collaboration project with Iceland GeoSurvey.

Delivering a sustainable urban future for Europe through geoscience
Research, led by BGS and EuroGeoSurveys’ Urban Geology Expert Group, explores how urban geoscience is reflected in European urban and environmental policy.

New research supports conservation of fallow deer across Europe
New research has combined zooarchaeology and ancient and modern biomolecular datasets to reveal a new understanding of the history and projections of fallow deer.

Building surveys in La Palma during the 2021 volcanic eruption
In December 2021, BGS BUFI student Sara Osman visited La Palma in the Canary Islands to assess buildings damaged during the Cumbre Vieja volcanic eruption. In this blog, she talks about her experiences on the island.