International environmental geochemistry/medical geology projects

BGS Research – International geochemistry

Selected International Environmental Geochemistry and Geochemistry and Health projects that BGS has been involved in:


Santamaria-Fernández, Rebeca; Cave, Mark R.; Hill, Steve J.. 2006 Trace metal distribution in the Arosa estuary (N.W. Spain) : the application of a recently developed sequential extraction procedure for metal partitioning.Analytica Chimica Acta, 557 (1-2). 344-352. 

International (outside Europe)

Regional geochemical mapping in developing countries and its application to environmental studies (Bolivia, Kenya, Mexico, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Sumatra, Swaziland, Uganda, Zimbabwe)

A comparison of trace element geochemistry of drainage sediments and soils in eastern Bolivia. (1992). JD Appleton , K Greally

Review of the use of regional geochemical maps for identifying areas where mineral deficiencies or excesses may affect cattle productivity in tropical countries. (1992).
JD Appleton

Report on the mineral status of animals in some tropical countries and their relationship to drainage geochemical maps of minerals in those countries. (1992). CTVM

Final report on stream sediment, soil and forage chemistry as indicators of cattle mineral status in northeast Zimbabwe. (1994). FM Fordyce , D Masara , JD Appleton

Stream sediment, soil and forage chemistry as indicators of cattle mineral status in north-east Zimbabwe Appleton, J.D.; Fuge, R.; McCall, J.H

Overbank sediments in contamination assessment and regional geochemical mapping. (1994). J Ridgway , DMA Flight , B Martiny , A Gomez-Caballero , C Marcias-Romo , K Greally

Overbank sediments from central Mexico: an evaluation of their use in regional geochemical mapping and in studies of contamination from modern and historical mining (1994).  
J Ridgway , DMA Flight , B Martiny , A Gomez-Caballero , C Marcias-Romo , K Greally 

The role of geochemistry in environmental and epidemiological studies in developing countries  Appleton, J.D.; Fuge, R.; McCall, J.H.

Cerium and endomyocardial fibrosis in tropical terrain: project summary report. (1998).
B Smith

A comparative study of cerium and associated trace elements in infants teeth from Uganda and the United Kingdom. (1998). British Geological Survey Technical Report WC/98/27. Available from the BGS library. Contact BGS Enquiries

Environmental influences on the trace element content of teeth—implications for disease and nutritional status S Chenery  C J Brown, B Smith, J M Cook, J V Tiberindwa, A Tomkins , L Sserunjogi.

A study of the distribution of cerium and other trace element concentrations in heart tissues from Uganda. (1998). British Geological Survey Technical Report WC/98/20. Available from the BGS library. Contact BGS Enquiries

Exposure and bioavailability of Cerium through the ingestion of soil (Uganda). (1998) MT Styles , SRN Chenery , B Smith

Pathways and factors defining enhanced cerium hazards in Uganda. (1998).  British Geological Survey Technical Report WC/98/12. Available from the BGS library. Contact BGS Enquiries

A sampling and analytical methodology for dental trace element analysis (2002). MG Hutchins , B Smith , L Sserunjogi

Geochemical and environmental factors controlling exposure to cerium and magnesium in Uganda (1998). B Smith, S.R.N Chenery, J.M Cook, M.T Styles, J.V Tiberindwa, C Hampton, J Freers, M Rutakinggirwa, L Sserunjogi, A Tomkins, C.J Brown.

The bioaccessibility of essential and potentially toxic trace elements in tropical soils from Mukono district, Uganda (2000). Smith, B., Rawlins, B.G., Cordeiro, M.J.A.R., Hutchins, M.G., Tiberindwa, J.V., Sserunjogi, L., Tomkins, A.M. 

Environmental hazard assessment using sequential leaching of coal and combustion products. In: Nicholson K. (ed). Energy and the environment : geochemistry of fossil, nuclear and renewable resources. Insch: MacGregor Science; p43-57. (1998). A.D. Bradley, D.M.A. Flight, G.E. Norton, P.R. Simpson,  Zeng Rongshu. Available from BGS library, contact BGS enquiries.

Field and Laboratory Workshop on Environmental Aspects of Coal Burning Power Stations in the Teruel coal mining district and ENDESA power station (Andorra) Aragon, Spain (1-5 June 1992) : British Geological Survey, Applied Geochemistry Series, Technical Report WP/92/7 (1992) Simpson, P.R.; Flight, D.M.A. Available from BGS library, contact BGS enquiries.

Review of agricultural pollution in the Caribbean with particular emphasis on small island developing states (1998). Rawlins, B.G.; Ferguson, J.A.; Chilton, P.J.; Arthurton, R.S.; Rees, J.; Baldock, J.W.

Gas geochemistry studies at Poas Volcano, Costa Rica, March 1992 and January 1993. (1993). RA Nicholson , MF Howells , PJ Baxter , SL Clegg , J Barquero

Gas geochemistry studies at Poas Volcano, Costa Rica. (1992). RA Nicholson , MF Howells , PD Roberts , PJ Baxter

Preliminary studies of acid and gas contamination at Poas volcano, Costa Rica (1996) R. A. Nicholson, P. D. Roberts and P. J. Baxter

Effects of soil composition and mineralogy on the bioaccessibility of arsenic from tailings and soil in gold mine districts of Nova Scotia (2010). Meunier, Louise; Walker, Stephen R.; Wragg, Joanna; Parsons, Michael B.; Koch, Iris; Jamieson, Heather E.; Reimer, Kenneth J.

China’s soil and groundwater management challenges: lessons from the UK’s experience and opportunities for China (2016). Coulon, Frédéric; Jones, Kevin; Li, Hong; Hu, Qing; Gao, Jingyang; Li, Fasheng; Chen, Mengfang; Zhu, Yong-Guan; Liu, Rongxia; Liu, Ming; Canning, Kate; Harries, Nicola; Bardos, Paul; Nathanail, Paul; Sweeney, Rob; Middleton, David; Charnley, Maggie; Randall, Jeremy; Richell, Martin; Howard, Trevor; Martin, Ian; Spooner, Simon; Weeks, Jason; Cave, Mark; Yu, Fang; Zhang, Fang; Jiang, Ying; Longhurst, Phil; Prpich, George; Bewley, Richard; Abra, Jonathan; Pollard, Simon.

Lead bioaccessibility in 12 contaminated soils from China: correlation to lead relative bioavailability and lead in different fractions (2015). Li, Jie; Li, Kan; Cave, Mark; Li, Hong-Bo; Ma, Lena Q.

Human geophagia, calabash chalk and undongo: mineral element nutritional implications (2013). Wiley, Andrea S.; Abrahams, Peter W.; Davies, Theo C.; Solomon, Abiye O.; Trow, Amanda J.; Wragg, Joanna.

Appreciable international geochemical research is carried out by the Centre for Environmental Geochemistry:

Malawi/Zambia/Zimbabwe: agriculture and health
Essential elements for food security
Biogeochemical cycling
Kenya geochemistry and health

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