International regional geochemistry CD-ROM series

BGS research — Applied geochemistry

Regional geochemical data from a range of overseas countries are available on a series of CD-ROMS. Separate CDs are available from the following BGS international projects:

This series of CDs was relaunched in December 2007. The price of the CDs vary according to the value-added inputs from £100–£400.


For further information contact:

Central Enquiry Desk,
British Geological Survey,
Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)115 936 3143 Fax: +44 (0)115 936 3276

View our CD-ROM series

Southern Sumatra

Sumatra regional geochemical survey

BGS was involved in Technical Co-operation projects in Sumatra with the Indonesian Ministry of Mines and Energy since 1975.

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Zimbabwe regional geochemical survey

During the period 1982-86, a team of geologists from the British Geological Survey carried out a programme of regional geological mapping and geochemical exploration in collaboration with the Zimbabwe Geological Survey under a Technical Co-operation agreement supported by the UK Department for International Development (DFID) (formerly ODA).

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Bolivia regional geochemical survey

Between 1976 and 1982, the Overseas Directorate of BGS, United Kingdom and the Geological Survey of Bolivia, Santa Cruz, carried out a major reconnaissance geological mapping, geochemical sampling and mineral exploration programme of that part of the Precambrian Brazilian Shield lying within eastern Bolivia.

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Peru regional geochemical survey

During the period 1967 to 1971 a team of geoscientists carried out a programme of regional geological mapping in parts of Peru.

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Kenya regional geochemical survey

The Samburu-Marsabit Geological Mapping and Mineral Exploration Project was a joint Kenyan and British technical co-operation project.

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Solomon Islands regional geochemical survey

Two geochemical surveys were undertaken in the Solomon Islands between 1976 and 1983 as part of a combined geological mapping and mineral exploration project.

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Applied geochemistry

Since the 1960s, the BGS has amassed considerable geochemical data holdings and developed significant expertise in applied geochemistry.

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