BGS Datasets

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1:625 000
3D Shapefile, LithoFrame Viewer
Regional to national

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Open access Regional visualisation models providing 3D interactive visualisations based on the UK3D dataset are available for 14 regions of England and Wales and Northern Ireland in 3D pdf format.

UK3D is a national-scale network of intersecting cross-sections (also known as a ‘fence diagram’) that provides a unique visualisation of the complex rocks and structures that make up the UK landmass. Comprising over 20 000 km of section line, extending up to 20 km offshore and to depths of 1.5 to 6 km below the ground surface, UK3D provides a 3D geological framework characterisation designed to complement BGS Geology 625K.

UK3D is freely available in formats compatible with a range of visualisation software and is suitable for informing regional- to national-scale strategic geological assessments as well as general interest.

The model has been used by the BGS and partner organisations to develop national-scale understanding of aquifers and groundwater flow and to inform screening processes for identifying potential sources of energy and sites for waste storage.

The UK3D dataset
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The UK3D dataset. BGS © UKRI.

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UK3D development

The UK3D cross-sections were created using the GSI3D geological modelling software, incorporating information on the geology at depth from boreholes and BGS LithoFrame250 models.

The latest update of UK3D (v2015), including offshore extension and full coverage of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, was released in February 2016.

UK3D was developed under BGS’s national programme for 3D geoscience and has been financially supported by Nuclear Waste Services and other stakeholders.

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