BGS LithoFrame

BGS Datasets

Key information

Great Britain (partial coverage)
Gridded surfaces (ASCII, ESRI, others available by request)

BGS Lithoframe 10 £4.73 per sqkm
BGS Lithoframe 50 £0.63 per sqkm
BGS Lithoframe 250 £0.13 per sqkm
Subject to number of users, licence fee and data preparation fee.

Local to regional use depending on scale

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Free access

Our free data is available under the Open Government Licence. Please acknowledge reproduced BGS materials.

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Licence costs may be waived for academic use, please contact us for further information or to enquire about access to model data.

Supporting documents

Metadata reports for each model detailing its development and limitations, are supplied with licensed model data.

BGS LithoFrame models provide 3D geological characterisation for parts of the onshore and offshore UK at a range of scales. They present framework geological interpretation consistent with the stratigraphic framing schemes and scales used in BGS geological maps.

Models have been constructed under a range of project activities and include:

  • local-scale superficial and bedrock models covering sites and focused study areas
  • medium-scale superficial and bedrock models covering many urban areas, transport corridors and smaller catchments
  • regional-scale bedrock models covering large catchments, district areas, and geological basins

Information about the models available for licence can be found in the LithoFrame Models layer on the GeoIndex (onshore).

BGS LithoFrame models are available to licence as gridded stratigraphic horizons. Fault surfaces may also be available for some regional-scale bedrock models. Standard outputs include stratigraphic unit bases supplied in ASCII and ESRI grid formats. Unit tops and thickness, as well as alternative data formats, may be available on request. Grid resolutions are dependent on the model scale and the nature of the input data.

Each model is accompanied by a metadata report describing the input data, model specifications, geological characterisation and limitations. Information on using geological models and model construction is provided here.

LithoFrame 10 LithoFrame 50 LithoFrame 250
ScaleLocal: 1:10 000Medium: 1:50 000Regional: 1:250 000
Depth50 – 100 m0.5 – 1 km1 – 5 km
Grid resolutionTypically 25 mTypically 50 m100 – 500 m
GeologyQuaternary and recent deposits and/or near-surface bedrockQuaternary and recent deposits and/or bedrockBedrock
Potential uses
  • Borehole and section prognosis
  • Strategic planning and development
  • Strategic planning
  • Catchment and groundwater systems
  • Regional context for sites and local studies
  • Strategic resource assessments (e.g. energy, underground storage)
  • Aquifer and groundwater system characterisations
Sources of input data
  • Boreholes
  • Geological maps
  • Mine plans
  • Boreholes
  • Geological maps
  • Mine plans
  • Geophysical data
  • Wells (including geophysical data)
  • Mine plans
  • Seismic data

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Thank you for your interest in our digital data. BGS is constantly reviewing and developing our suite of data products and we value feedback from users to ensure that we are meeting their needs. Understanding how our data is being used also helps us to tailor future development plans and verify that we are providing data in the correct formats.

Before you download the data, we would really appreciate some feedback on how you plan to use BGS Lithoframe data. The information provided through this form is anonymous and will only be used by BGS and our partners to improve our products and services. It will be held securely and will not be used to identify any individual. For details on how we use your information, please view our privacy notice.

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