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21 results for "science facilities"

Offshore infrastructure foundation inspection methods
Both fossil fuel and renewable energy industries are heavily reliant upon offshore platforms and infrastructure constructed on the seabed of the shallow seas about the UK.

Transport Properties and Fracture Physics Research Laboratories
Research in these laboratories focuses on understanding fluid (water, gas and solutes) movement and rock deformation in the subsurface.

Rock Volume Characterisation Laboratory Cluster
Studying the structural and compositional characterisation of rocks and their constituent parts at all scales.

Hydrothermal Laboratory
This laboratory is used to study chemical reactions between fluids and rocks under conditions found in the top few kilometres of the Earth's crust.

Organic Geochemistry Facility
Specialising in organic geochemical measurements at the bulk and molecular level in complex matrices, like rock, sediment, soil and water.

Aquifer Properties Facility
Undertaking specialised core characterisation on drillcore and rock chippings from borehole samples for a wide range of hydrogeological purposes.

Dando Drilling Capability
The BGS Drilling Facility performs shallow drilling operations and tests to support BGS research.

Soil Physics Facility
Providing a range of soil physical measurement services as well as complementary analyses to describe the degree to which soil organic matter is decomposed.